i agree with @leighhhhhhhh.
i come from scotland, in my cheer team we have 27 competitive kids... thats it! we have senior all girl 5 and junior 3.
our senior 5 has 1 girl turning 14, the majority are aging into our uk senior age group (ie turning 16) this year. then there are our already seniors... myself 22, one 19 year olds and 3 17 year olds.
we havent got much choice with regards to team placements, the kids who are mature and ready enough(skill wise) for s5 are on it. all of junior age that wanted to cheer on my junior3 team are on it.
if the 17+ rule applied to us, we would have no place for our "open aged seniors" to cheer.... so my three 17 year olds who have worked so hard for their fulls no longer compete? the implications to our smaller developing cheer countries would be devastating!!
i understand why its not such a huge deal for the US, but for us... it would cause the majority of teams in the uk to loose their senior cheerleaders as they have no where to cheer. and the reality is people like myself, Leigh, the kids on the national teams or long established programmes have been the ones that have watched our cheer community grow, championed for everyone to make level appropriate teams, pushed our levels of tumbling ... and all for what? to be left with no team to cheer on?