There is a part of me that will always love the flash (sparkly uniforms) and sass (big hair and big bows) that all-star cheer possesses...however...I just think it's gotten out of hand. The "fierce" obsession, in my experience, is what has made this sport unappealing and tacky to outsiders. If I see one more group "wall picture"...well....
There's so much emphasis on getting that fierce hair whip, snap, clap bippity bop business in..people have stopped paying attention to executing the skills with solid technique. Although I want to see everyone go out there and perform their butts off and own the stage, I just feel it's more important to have the technique be the main focus, esp. for future health.
I wholeheartedly disagree that AS will have to go in one direction or the other...there definitely was a time when teams put on amazing dances, performed new incredible skills etc. and we all weren't jumping saying this isn't even really AS cheer anymore. Somehow, we let AS slip into even more ambiguity. I believe we can evolve, and still have our unique sport without having to split or get too far away from the foundations in which AS was created.