I just read through this entire thread, wondering who bumped it! It is amazing to see how many familiar posters are still on here but in significantly different places from when they originally posted.
I haven't read through the entire thread, but I thinks it's pretty safe to say I'm one of them and don't mind saying so and why.
It took my CP's second year, on a mini 2 team, breaking two bones in her arm during a two man stunt, and requiring two surgeries at the ripe old age of 6 that made me do a double take. My husband didn't want her to cheer the following year after that, and I didn't want her to fly again. I thought she didn't want to either (fly again), but she actually asked and changed her mind. She missed most of her 2nd season due to the injuries.
Reluctantly we allowed her to continue, until shortly after her 3rd season when not only was safety still a concern, but her emotional well being involving behaviors/attitudes/incidents that she experienced from teammates as well as coach. After an unsuccessful attempt to peacefully resolve it, we left bc that's def not what we signed up for. My daughter no longer wanted to cheer anymore, period.
I can say that I fully believe safety was an issue all 3 (well tech 2 1/2) seasons, but I didn't want to be "that" parent who questioned the coaches decisions (despite my CP being dropped on her head too many times to count during the stunt that eventually was the cause of her broken arm). I did finally speak up and attempt to try to discuss it with her coaches. I couldn't understand for the life of me that after two broken bones the previous year the coaches had her on new bases (as literally new/inexperienced) yet the one(s) who had the experienced bases didn't have any problems.
I was told that my daughter could "potentially fly with/on anyone" unlike the other 2 girls, who actually needed all the help they could get" :confused: on a level 3 team- after missing most of her second season..bc she broke 2 bones in her arm.
So yes, my views regarding progression def changed after that. I could blame the coaches bc it's their job to know, but ultimately I blame myself for not pulling her sooner. It's my job as a parent to keep her safe and I didn't plain and simple. I didn't listen to my gut when I should have. In reality, most of the kids there do not progress as quickly as most would have you believe. And def not w/o privates- not that there's anything wrong w/them bc my CP did them as well. But the reality is that not most of the athletes there (at least at that location) progress to the next level yearly- or even every two years, and most of them do privates. Certainly not all of them, as there are many very talented athletes there to which it comes more naturally and/or progress quicker.