I’m going to rephrase the question carefully and assume what is really being asked is whether it is OK for UA (or any other team) to have marked 10% or more of their routine at a tiny competition...
As a spectator I would have hated, hated, hated it. This is CHICAGO for Pete’s sake and I just spent two hours stuck in lousy traffic to watch THIS? I have a headache, it’s noisy, the seats are uncomfortable, my kid ditched me at the door, the food stinks and the least I could expect for my $$$ would be to be entertained.
As a parent who never played Garfield-on-the-glass at the gym, I would be disappointed (maybe a little stronger emotion than that – hated, hated, hated) that I didn’t get to see my kid perform full-out.
As a spectator from a rival program, I would have hated, hated, hated it…but I would have said “Self? Shut your mouth because no matter how you really feel, nobody will ever trust your motivation”. And I hate being labeled a Hater. Despite the proof above that I really can hate a lot.
As a customer of the gym I don’t have to like the coaches’ decisions. But if I don’t trust their decisions I’m a fool because I am clearly in the wrong program. And a week later they would have proved me wrong, again.
As a board viewer…“Why is this thread still out here and why did this idiot ultimatefan person post and bring it up again? Reading this is a lot more painful than ummm….sitting at a competition and watching a team mark their routine. It takes longer, too.