...How can you build confidence in a routine if you don't actually DO the whole routine? I mean- I get that. I get going to a smaller competition in between big ones to A) Save money B) Work out kinks in new stuff you're doing..etc. But I'm not gonna be confident that I can hit my whole routine if I don't actually do it. Maybe I'm just old-fashioned lol. I also understand doing an exhibition type routine more towards the beginning of the season. I understand one or two stunt groups marking or somebody marking tumbling, particularly if there are injuries/fill-ins. I dunno, it just seems silly to me. That goes for all programs. If you're not going to be ready for a competition, why bother going? Now, I've seen some level 5s exhibition before, and they did the whole routine. Maybe not pushing hardcore for skills, but they were still hitting skills in their level (Starlites and I believe Odyssey came to a comp at Atlantic City and did their routines the year I did allstar).
It IS your routine, your gym, and your coaches decision. But just because you make a decision doesn't mean people don't get to question it. I do, however, find it an absolutely fascinating discussion. It helps having it be about an actual gym, because then we're getting REAL responses, and not somebody just hypothetically playing devils advocate for the fun of it.