Does anyone know how bids work?
HOW WILL THE BIDS BE DISTRIBUTED?... CHECK IT OUT!PAID BIDSAll teams in the following divisions will be given the opportunity to compete for a PAID Bid to the Cheerleading Worlds.
• Senior Level 5 All-Girl Divisions (Small & Large)
• Senior Level 5 Small, Medium & Large Co-ed Divisions
• International Open Level 5 & 6 All-Girl & Co-ed Divisions)
• 1st PAID BID- Highest Combined Score of all Senior Level 5 Divisions
• 2nd PAID Bid Highest Combined Score of all Senior Level 5 Divisions and all International Open Level 5 & 6 Divisions
• 3rd PAID Bid will go to 1 of the next 2 Highest Scores of all Senior Level 5 Divisions and all International Open Level 5 & 6 Divisions. This 3rd and final
bid will be awrded among these 2 next highest scoring teams. The Worlds Panel will decide between these 2 teams regardless of score. The Worlds Panel- Judges will review both Days performances of the these 2 teams and decide based on the performances which team has the best chance to advance at the Cheerleading Worlds regardless of which teams’s score is technicallly higher. .
All teams in the following divisions will be given the opportunity to compete for 6 AT-LARGE Bids to the Cheerleading Worlds. • All Senior Level 5 Teams (except Senior Open)
• International Open Level 5 (All-Girl & Co-ed)
• (International) Open Level 6 (All-Girl & Co-ed)
THE AT-LARGE BIDS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED AS FOLLOWS: At-Large Bids for All Teams will be based on scores.
• The Senior Level 5 Divisions are guaranteed at least 2 bids (between Paid and At-Large) to the Cheerleading Worlds.
• The Next 3 At-large Bids will be decied based upon Highest Score of all bid eligible teams.
• The 2 Final bids to the Cheerleading Worlds will be determined by the Worlds Judging Panel. This decision will involve all bid eligible teams and will be made on a teams overall score and likelihood of success at the Cheerleading Worlds.