All-Star Just Read The Link Given For Icc/ice....

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No you are correct. In cases where the crime leading to being on the sex offenders list was against a minor then it almost always has a stipulation where you are not allowed to work around children which is why I don't see how this man could ever work at a gym that has athletes under the age of 18.

I also do not understand how this man had allegations for so long (prior to the article in the link) and parents still allowed their daughters to take privates with him and be alone with him. These times that these athletes were at his home, where were their parents and why were they allowed alone in his home? I just don't understand how this can go on for so long and no one thought anything of it.

I also see that many of this happened before ICE turned into ICC, which confuses me a bit. This story was brought up in 2008, but the gym didn't close until this past season, so what else happened to cause the closing?

OK...I'll answer this because I really don't care, as I'm not affiliated with any of these people. What else happened? the same thing. Again. With a different adult and another minor. Ew.
Then you are saying they are guilty until proven innocent.
I know you weren't ask me that, but I am going to give my 2 cents anyways. I think yes. When you are working with children, you can never be too safe. Yes, it's sad for the innocent man who was accused of nothing but he can find a temporary job until he is cleared. I would much rather that than put more innocent kids in danger waiting for it to be proven.
I personally feel that if a coach has a pending case where they are being investigated for an illegal act against a minor they should not be hired anywhere and placed on a list by the USASF. If they are cleared from all wrong doing legally then that person should be removed from the list and allowed back to whatever gym wants to hire them.
Then you are saying they are guilty until proven innocent.
Not only that, but, all little Susie has to do when she gets moved to the back is say "my coached touched me"
Coach is now fired and can no longer work until its proven that he is innocent.
Slippery slope, Slippery slope.
I know you weren't ask me that, but I am going to give my 2 cents anyways. I think yes. When you are working with children, you can never be too safe. Yes, it's sad for the innocent man who was accused of nothing but he can find a temporary job until he is cleared. I would much rather that than put more innocent kids in danger waiting for it to be proven.

I'm sorry but that puts all the power in children's hands. One coaching move where a girl goes in the back and what's to stop an athlete from accusing the coach? Under your system the coach would be fired, have to go get a new job, let this play out in the courts (on his dime), then come back to coach when cleared. That is assuming everyone then believes he is actually innocent and the girl was not lying and people did not just up and leave the gym. Then what happens web the next little girl does the same thing? Well now he has a history of it.. Whether true or not... And maybe I knew it all along he was dirty. Coaches life ruined over being a coach.

Parents take responsibility for your kids. You don't leave them alone with their coach ever. Talk to your kids. Kids CANNOT keep a secret so if your coach is making social texts to your kid they'll probably tell you. Outside of those two things I'm not sure an environment of wrong doing could really exist where someone could get confused and make false accusations.
Parents take responsibility for your kids. You don't leave them alone with their coach ever. Talk to your kids. Kids CANNOT keep a secret so if your coach is making social texts to your kid they'll probably tell you. Outside of those two things I'm not sure an environment of wrong doing could really exist where someone could get confused and make false accusations.
I completely agree.
I'm sorry but that puts all the power in children's hands. One coaching move where a girl goes in the back and what's to stop an athlete from accusing the coach? Under your system the coach would be fired, have to go get a new job, let this play out in the courts (on his dime), then come back to coach when cleared. That is assuming everyone then believes he is actually innocent and the girl was not lying and people did not just up and leave the gym. Then what happens web the next little girl does the same thing? Well now he has a history of it.. Whether true or not... And maybe I knew it all along he was dirty. Coaches life ruined over being a coach.

Parents take responsibility for your kids. You don't leave them alone with their coach ever. Talk to your kids. Kids CANNOT keep a secret so if your coach is making social texts to your kid they'll probably tell you. Outside of those two things I'm not sure an environment of wrong doing could really exist where someone could get confused and make false accusations.

Completely agree. Parents can't put their kids in those situations at church, school, or sports. A parent is your child's biggest advocate.
It really comes down to personal responsibility. A gym owner (assuming its not the owner themselves doing it) will do his due diligence to hire the right kind of staff. Now, being realistic, this will fix most of the situations but not all. I'm sure someone will slip through the cracks. Which then leads to the parents.

Parents make sure their kids are never in a position where anything could happen.

If both sides do their part ten in reality nothing can realistically happen.
(Edited to remove quote.)

You are right. Those cracks give people give access to your kids in other settings, not just coaching a sport. That's why when I help out at my kids school volunteers can only be in public areas with kids. I would think cheer gyms would have the same things in place so their coaches don't get put in a situation to be falsely accussed.

I am all about protecting kids, but putting people on lists before they are convicted is wrong. Because as a parent I know that the sex offender list isn't a catch all my kids aren't left alone with coaches. It's not that difficult. Even if I don't stay for a private there are usually many people in the gym. If it were to happen I would stay for it, and I'm sure the coach would understand.
(Edited to remove quote.)

I'm not trying to be hard on you, but this is where I have a serious problem. I see this on my job all the time. I'm hoping you notified the police and not only the gym about this incident. IT WAS a crime. In Illinois, it falls under a few statutes; Contributing to the delinquency of a minor, underaged drinking, etc. If they are not held criminally responsible, especially when there is a WITNESS, all the "I've heard" and "We should" is pointless. I've heard a lot of accusations from parents and athletes from other gyms, however, it's all second hand. No victim reports (for minors in Illinois, parents must report). It's ridiculous that SUPPOSED CRIMINAL activity occurs and all we can manage to do is gossip. Like I tell my citizens, as far as I'm concerned, if you don't report it (to where it counts) it DIDN"T happen.
This thread is getting to the point that reminds me why I am away from Illinois cheerleading. Never was good at this side of the industry.

Parents, supervise your children's lessons, practices and classes. Monitor their communication with adults. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, report it to their supervisors immediately. Coaches, make sure you never put yourself in a situation where there can be any question of your motives. This is why I am never alone with a student, very rarely drink (and never with a customer) and will not even be in a room with anyone under the influence of drugs. Appearances are everything when dealing with children.
Also, don't pee in public. As tempting as it is, my Mother always warned me that if I did, I would get an indecent exposure and end up on the sex offender list. That little voice may have saved my coaching career.

It's true.
I'm sorry but that puts all the power in children's hands. One coaching move where a girl goes in the back and what's to stop an athlete from accusing the coach? Under your system the coach would be fired, have to go get a new job, let this play out in the courts (on his dime), then come back to coach when cleared. That is assuming everyone then believes he is actually innocent and the girl was not lying and people did not just up and leave the gym. Then what happens web the next little girl does the same thing? Well now he has a history of it.. Whether true or not... And maybe I knew it all along he was dirty. Coaches life ruined over being a coach.

Parents take responsibility for your kids. You don't leave them alone with their coach ever. Talk to your kids. Kids CANNOT keep a secret so if your coach is making social texts to your kid they'll probably tell you. Outside of those two things I'm not sure an environment of wrong doing could really exist where someone could get confused and make false accusations.
First of all, I agree completely with the entire second paragraph. However what I meant is to dismiss the coach privately. It doesn't have to be explained to the entire gym. It could just be a temporary suspension until the situation was resolved. I believe it would be better letting him continue working with kid. His reputation does not have to be destroyed, and getting a new job is a pain, but it would be extremely temporary.
USAG has a Do Not Hire list for these types of things. Once you're on it, it's for life. It would be nice to have one of these for cheer.

Are you sure? This has been a big issue for me over the last few years and I have had several conversations with Jim Chadwick and others trying to find a way to legally make this happen. Jim told me that USAG got sued over their Do Not Hire list around 2002-2003 (approximately) and lost big time. That's one of the reasons USASF doesn't have something like it.
First of all, I agree completely with the entire second paragraph. However what I meant is to dismiss the coach privately. It doesn't have to be explained to the entire gym. It could just be a temporary suspension until the situation was resolved. I believe it would be better letting him continue working with kid. His reputation does not have to be destroyed, and getting a new job is a pain, but it would be extremely temporary.

It doesn't matter if it's private. In the heart of the season (say now) if a coach is quietly dismissed from a gym everyone will notice. And when you have a lack of information people will make up their own reasons which could be even worse. And what's to stop the kids parents from talking and saying the coach is a perv? And how long do you think court cases like this last? Our legal system, while I believe the best and fairest in the world, is not quick.