BowsnBling "my arms kinda sting" makes me laugh every time I think about it.
I have so many stories, but my top two are:
I was coaching the tinys and we had a 5 year old little girl named Iman, she was always hilarious, however, my favorite convo went something like this:
Iman: "Coach Amy do you got a man?"
Me: "No Iman, I don't, thank you for pointing that out"
Iman: "Why you don't got a man?"
Me: "Good question Iman, I don't know why I don't have a man"
Iman: "Well, do you got any kids?"
Me: "No Iman, I don't have any kids"
Iman: "Why you aint got no kids?"
Me: "Because I don't have a man"
Iman: "Well, my mama gots kids and she's not as old as you"
Me: "Thank you Iman, for pointing out my age and my shortcomings"
Iman: "Welcome".......Followed by a very satisfied smile.
My second favorite.......I was coaching another 5 year old by the name of Carolyn, who had a fairly new sister. At this particular practuce she insisted on bringing her baby doll. I allowed her to keep her baby doll, but we had to put the baby doll "where all the other cheerleaders keep their baby dolls" (in her cubbie.) About mid way through practice, without saying a thing, she pulls her arm out of her shirt through the neck, walks over to her cubbie, picks up her baby doll and holds it up to her chest......I ask "Carolyn, what are you doing?" and she said "I am breast feeding my baby!" I had to fight back my laughter and responded with "well thats nice, but cheerleaders don't breast feed during practice."