All-Star Kony 2012

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Okay here comes a big one because I am about to pull my damn weave out and slap half of you in the face with it.
First of all, what good are you doing the world by saying "we should have known about this sooner"? NONE. SO shut up and be happy our eyes HAVE opened up to it. Yes, it would have been ideal for us to realize these problems sooner, but stop bashing people because they didn't.
Second of all, you don't want to donate to the cause? Don't. Simple as that.
Third of all, if you're going to dispute this whole thing, please use some new arguments. The video outright stated Kony has moved on from Uganda, we know that. Also, go check out 90% of the charities you think are doing so much good on this Earth and you'll be surprised at how normal it is to be spending 70% on the organization's expenses.
Fourth, stop with this whole conspiracy theory bull. Oh, you know what, I bet the world is going to end in December of this year too, and I bet every time we see a triangle in a Jay-Z or Rihanna music video, they're secretly controlling our minds and controlling the world. Put down the crack pipe and use your brain for once instead of believing every single little conspiracy you see on the internet.

Do your research, know your stuff, but don't only look for the bad, 'cause that's all you'll find. All of you sitting here complaining that IC is doing nothing, that the KONY movement is useless, well let me ask you what YOU are doing to help? If you don't want to donate your money to a cause that WILL do something, then don't, but don't sit and bash it when you're doing much less.

Rant over, and I don't care if that came across rude, because some of you are coming off like a bunch of idiots.

Haha couldnt agree with you more.

ACcheerleader youre useless goodbye.
I am very suspect of this whole KONY thing....I even said with dripping sarcasm yesterday that it wouldn't surprise me if KONY were caught in sept or oct this ELECTION year....everyone research before you hit copy paste or DONATE...just sayin

Invisible Children has been at this since 2004 (their documentary was shot in stages with 2004 being the first) so I highly doubt it has anything to do with the election. It is sad that it has taken this long to draw attention to the entire thing. I know that if you take certain political science or history classes in college you have probably heard about the LRA and Kony, but the fact that it has taken this long for so many to hear about it is just sad.

To those who are anti Invisible Children, they are out to capture a man who is one the most wanted list by the ICC. It doesn't matter if the LRA is no longer in Uganda he still needs to be caught and turned over to the ICC and charged with his crimes. You don't have to donate to Invisible Children, but it doesn't mean that this needs to be ignored. It has been ignored for far too long and more and more lives have been lost because no one was paying attention.
It's just so annoying when people complain about it being posted and such. On Facebook and Twitter, people will complain about 'they are tired of seeing it'... 'your not doing anything by posting it' and all this useless chatter. But what they don't realize is Facebook and Twitter are social networking sites... probably 2 of the biggest online sites used to spread information. I love reading about it and learning about it because being honest I had never even heard of it. To me, its amazing just to see that the people CAN make a difference, and that an everyday person can create something, and have it grow to the capacity of actually getting noticed by the government. Its incredible how people really can make a difference.
Having a "Kony 2012" status is so ridiculously trendy that I'm surprised it's not "Stop Kony, lms."
Stop popularizing a cause you don't aide in any way for attention. smh
I cant stand the popularization of pretending to care.
So, before I go into rant mode I will say two things:
1-Support wisely, look at how organizations are rated before giving aid (I advise and amnesty international, and detest TOMS and Project(red) )
2-Dont post and do nothing. No one likes posers.
I'll start this by saying I am incredibly suspicious of IC and their policies - I don't agree with arming an arm which has such a suspect track record. However, and it is a big however, having worked in Uganda for a number of years, anything which gets out the message of what is/was going on is better than nothing. I"ll give you an example. I am a high school teacher; my form class (I think you call it home room) is made up of 16 y/o spoilt, testosterone laden boys. A number of them have been brought up to think very little of women and the world around them, the stuff that comes out of their mouths sometimes is utterly appalling. Anyway, in form time yesterday I showed them the Kony video, expecting for them to be ridiculing and heckling it the whole time...wrong, not a peep from any of them. And at the end the discussion we had was amazing! They couldn't believe this was going on, they knew 'Miss' had worked there a lot, and in the past made stupid and idiotic comments about African people, but now they were having an actual intelligent conversation about it.

Yes, we might be suspicious of IC's conduct; yes, we might not like what they are doing at times. I know I was all "why is this only becoming popular now?" But the one thing it has done is to bring it to the forefront of people's minds and consciousnesses. People are researching into the situation, finding out if what IC claims is true - surely this can only be a good thing, improving the general populous' knowledge.
"There is no black and white in the world. And going about solving important problems like there is just serves to make all those equally troubling shades of gray invisible."

True that!
I'll start this by saying I am incredibly suspicious of IC and their policies - I don't agree with arming an arm which has such a suspect track record. However, and it is a big however, having worked in Uganda for a number of years, anything which gets out the message of what is/was going on is better than nothing. I"ll give you an example. I am a high school teacher; my form class (I think you call it home room) is made up of 16 y/o spoilt, testosterone laden boys. A number of them have been brought up to think very little of women and the world around them, the stuff that comes out of their mouths sometimes is utterly appalling. Anyway, in form time yesterday I showed them the Kony video, expecting for them to be ridiculing and heckling it the whole time...wrong, not a peep from any of them. And at the end the discussion we had was amazing! They couldn't believe this was going on, they knew 'Miss' had worked there a lot, and in the past made stupid and idiotic comments about African people, but now they were having an actual intelligent conversation about it.

Yes, we might be suspicious of IC's conduct; yes, we might not like what they are doing at times. I know I was all "why is this only becoming popular now?" But the one thing it has done is to bring it to the forefront of people's minds and consciousnesses. People are researching into the situation, finding out if what IC claims is true - surely this can only be a good thing, improving the general populous' knowledge.

The same thing happened at my school 3 years ago when we had a survivor of the Auschwitz death camp in WWII speak. It's amazing the power of those types of things.
To quote someones post on FB:
"In today's technological world, a campaign can raise awareness at no cost. While questioning the Stop Kony campaign before giving them your money is a good idea, putting support behind people who are trying to create awareness is an even better one. And something I can do for free. If what is "cool" right now is speaking out about the atrocities committed by Joseph Kony and creating a youth reaction to a global issue, then I say fantastic... jump on the band wagon."

While I am still annoyed, I guess she is right.

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