Totals, comparatively for anyone who's wondering...
Standing Tumbling
1. WCSS (13 ending in doubles, 21 ending in fulls total, 1 not straight thru)
2. F5 (7 ending in doubles, 31 ending in fulls, 5 not straight thru)
3. CEA (8 ending in doubles, 20 ending in fulls, 3 not straight thru)
Running Tumbling (was really surprised after I totalled this)
1. WCSS (26 ending in doubles, 3 ending in fulls (+1 tuck which I assume is usually a full), 9 specialty to double, 2 specialty to full)
2. F5 (14 ending in doubles, 8 ending in fulls, 13 specialty to doubles, 4 specialty to full)
3. CEA (17 ending in doubles, 8 ending in fulls, 9 specialty to doubles, 2 specialty to full)
Partner Stunts:
1. CEA (8 heel stretches, 8 cross leg to stretch to stretch tick tocks, 8 1.25 ups to quickly pulled scorp? Scale, 1 360 Ball to Stretch to Wrapraround Stretch Ticktock, Tick Tock to Stretch to Scale Tick Tock, 2 Wraparound stretches, Tick Tock to Stretch to Scale Ticktock, 9 scale, scorps. 7 body positions hit as a whole team)
2. F5 (5 half up dangle to lib switch ups, 4 stretch to stretch tick tocks, 5 high to high lib to front stretch tick tocks, 9 bow n arrows, 9 1.25, 4 straight up stretches, 5 lib to stretch switch ups. 5 body positions hit as a whole team)
3. WCSS (9 lib to stretch, 9 1.25 ups to stretch, 6 twisting star release things, 1 1.5 up to front stretch, 3 straight up heel stretches, 7 lib to stretch switchups. 3 body positions hit as whole team (4 if you count the heel stretches during tumbling))
1. CEA (6 switch kick doubles, 2 kick doubles. 7 synced. It appeared these were the numbers in the Showcase video)
2. WCSS (9 kick doubles, 1 Ball Twist X Twist?? (something like that) basket, 1 pike out basket, 2 pretty girl kicks. Kick doubles synced.)
3. F5 (9 kick doubles, 2 pike baskets. Not synced.)
* I think F5 has WCSS in technique (or atleast it looks like it from the super fuzzy video), but WCSS has F5 with the synchronization)
1. CEA
2. F5
1. WCSS (36 hurdler, hurdlers, 36 triple toe backs)
2. F5 (34 hurdler, toe, pike backs)
3. CEA (26 triple toe backs)
CEA isn't as "far behind" as most people are making them out to be. WCSS has INSANE tumbling! F5's stunting is, IMO, very close to being even with CEA's. I looooove Large Senior. This seasons gonna be crazy.