All-Star Large Senior Breakdowns

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stars / f5 - top
cea / tsunami - middle
fca / woodlands - bottom
Can I just say that I love this season so far! All 3 routines ROCK! Toss up on any given day. Here's to hoping everyone hits all the time!
CEA, F5 and WCSS are all so talented!! I'ts going to be an exciting year!!
Stars F5 & Sr. Elite have so much talent this year. But stars & F5 have insane routines. They are working you hard in every aspect of the routine!
i took that as... knowing that f5 had all of those skills, theres no way se only had that many

I apologize I wasn't clear - I was indeed referring to F5's skills - the summary wasn't quite right, but it was really nice of the poster to take the time to count and provide the information. I could never get it right - too hard to see on the videos and tedious to count! I wasn't referring to CEA's skills...I actually have no idea what they have or dont have.
Totals, comparatively for anyone who's wondering...

Standing Tumbling

1. WCSS (13 ending in doubles, 21 ending in fulls total, 1 not straight thru)
2. F5 (7 ending in doubles, 31 ending in fulls, 5 not straight thru)
3. CEA (8 ending in doubles, 20 ending in fulls, 3 not straight thru)

Running Tumbling (was really surprised after I totalled this)

1. WCSS (26 ending in doubles, 3 ending in fulls (+1 tuck which I assume is usually a full), 9 specialty to double, 2 specialty to full)
2. F5 (14 ending in doubles, 8 ending in fulls, 13 specialty to doubles, 4 specialty to full)
3. CEA (17 ending in doubles, 8 ending in fulls, 9 specialty to doubles, 2 specialty to full)

Partner Stunts:

1. CEA (8 heel stretches, 8 cross leg to stretch to stretch tick tocks, 8 1.25 ups to quickly pulled scorp? Scale, 1 360 Ball to Stretch to Wrapraround Stretch Ticktock, Tick Tock to Stretch to Scale Tick Tock, 2 Wraparound stretches, Tick Tock to Stretch to Scale Ticktock, 9 scale, scorps. 7 body positions hit as a whole team)
2. F5 (5 half up dangle to lib switch ups, 4 stretch to stretch tick tocks, 5 high to high lib to front stretch tick tocks, 9 bow n arrows, 9 1.25, 4 straight up stretches, 5 lib to stretch switch ups. 5 body positions hit as a whole team)
3. WCSS (9 lib to stretch, 9 1.25 ups to stretch, 6 twisting star release things, 1 1.5 up to front stretch, 3 straight up heel stretches, 7 lib to stretch switchups. 3 body positions hit as whole team (4 if you count the heel stretches during tumbling))


1. CEA (6 switch kick doubles, 2 kick doubles. 7 synced. It appeared these were the numbers in the Showcase video)
2. WCSS (9 kick doubles, 1 Ball Twist X Twist?? (something like that) basket, 1 pike out basket, 2 pretty girl kicks. Kick doubles synced.)
3. F5 (9 kick doubles, 2 pike baskets. Not synced.)
* I think F5 has WCSS in technique (or atleast it looks like it from the super fuzzy video), but WCSS has F5 with the synchronization)


1. CEA
2. F5


1. WCSS (36 hurdler, hurdlers, 36 triple toe backs)
2. F5 (34 hurdler, toe, pike backs)
3. CEA (26 triple toe backs)

CEA isn't as "far behind" as most people are making them out to be. WCSS has INSANE tumbling! F5's stunting is, IMO, very close to being even with CEA's. I looooove Large Senior. This seasons gonna be crazy.
"F5's stunting is, IMO, very close to being even with CEA's."

Who would have thought that someone could EVER make a statement like this and it be true? LMAO! Feel the Power of F5!
I'm so excited for this season! Even though I'm not cheering! I watched the WC videos yesterday, and although I can't remember what specifically they were, I remember being far more impressed with starlites' stunts than Shooting Stars'. Maybe it was because they were younger, I'm not sure. But with a new sequence I thin WC can close the gap even more. Although we all love those full up stretches.
Didnt count right - for example there are 7 Hand hand whip doubles

I know some of the numbers are off, but I'm 100% sure that 2 of those were hand hand whip fulls on Saturday...but details, details.
First...I miss Panthers...when I first looked it the thread I said "Oh she forgot Panthers...oh no wait..." :-(
I love all three routines I've seen so far! It seems like every pyramid people are jumping over, under, around, through each other! I don't think any one team made any other "up their game". I think they all are amazing athletes that just push themselves harder each year.
I know some of the numbers are off, but I'm 100% sure that 2 of those were hand hand whip fulls on Saturday...but details, details.

I stand corrected...they used to be was 5.
Reading this thread I assume people think CEA is going to stand pat with the routine you saw earlier. I don't know about the others and how much they will change, but the other routines were certainly noticed by our staff and the relatively basic routine you have seen to date is evolving for SE. Also, you may count the numbers you saw in the earlier routine for SE, but they are watered down. Goodness, Edith decided to throw her standing full and double this weekend after breaking her leg, twice in 8 months. Think that motivated the others holding back on their skills? It looks to me like the three teams (I have not seen the others in the division) are off to a good start, but don't hold your breath on thinking what you have seen will be what you will see in the future. After this weekend, things will look different, and quite frankly, they are going to have to to win. But we know that, and that is the essence of competition.
Awesome job Edith! I love seeing her back on the mat :)

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