I really feel it is discrimination. Boys Free Girls Pay . What are you teaching the kids? That because you are a different sex you are greater or less value to a program. As far as boys not having the parental support well that is just being a bad parent. Sorry but supporting your kids in what makes them happy as long as it is healthy and productive you should always support your kids. I am not rich by far . I work to pay for my daughter. And I have also worked to help other parents pay for their athletes. I know it is my choice and I choose not to be a part of a program that does this. Equality is a value that is well worth the price.[/quote
Different gyms handle it different ways, I think its all about how you choose to treat it. If you have a problem with the way your gym handles it I think you should take it up with your owner. I know that often times boys work, camps, clinics and classes to offset prices, but again some gyms are different. I think you should address YOUR program or a program specifically so that defense can be made not just "boys are treated unfairly" bc often times that is not the case.