This thread and all the comments about tragic open 6 teams makes my blood boil. We have said it time and time again, if there was a division for a level 3 tumbling, level six stunting team, most open teams would probably enter that division. To say that you dont want to see people who have never cheered all star in your all star competition is simply rude. I cant pull fulls out of my teams butt. But they can hit a solid 2 and a half high pyramid. I cant get them to hit some of the stunt sequences top gun does, but they can throw solid tuck, layout, and full baskets. Many open teams work with what they have got. And if those teams are anything like ours, the "coach" is someone who happens to be on the team. And theyre probably dealing with some male egos who think they should be throwing hard one man stunts when honestly, you just barely hit that full up in a group stunt. In that case, the "coach" has the option of putting their foot down and saying no, we are hitting basic before we move ahead, or they run the risk of letting their team put a shaky routine on the floor.
Please, I beg of you, cut open 6 some slack. They work hard not only in the gym, but raising their children, working 40 hours a week, and living their lives. Its fun for them and thats all that matters.