I took a couple years off from AS Cheerleading and just did HS, and a girl transferred my HS and cheered at my old gym. She was on the level 2 team, but claimed to have gained several skills including jumps to back and a half ("sooo close to her full, like she BASICALLY has it!!"). She even bragged about how she was promised a spot on one of the Worlds teams next season. I didnt plan on returning to AS so I guess she thought I'd never find out. My high school also never really tumbled other than the occasional BHS during a foul shot at a game so I never questioned her lying about her tumbling. When I decided to rejoin AS the next season, it was pretty awkward when the results were posted and my name was on a Worlds roster and hers was still on level two... (without out jumps to back and a full, mind you)