What do you guys think are the main factors creating the environment of (relatively) rapid gym expansion? The current state was unimaginable when we started over 20 years ago.
I think it's been a lot of things happening simultaneously. I agree with the one poster that mentions that a lot of gyms are owned by people who may be an awesome coach, but have no business running a business.
I think the industry as it currently is, makes it really hard for new gyms to succeed. (D2 is a start) I'm not saying the old gyms (ie Cheer Athletics, World Cup, Top Gun, CEA, etc) had it easy when they started either, but it was definitely a different kind of struggle. The industry grew at the same time that these large gyms did. Now for a new or small gym to get in, it's near impossible to compete with the large gyms, making the athlete drive to the big gyms a more popular thing. XX gym is famous, XX gym is bigger, therefore XX gym must be better.
I think the big bid competitions have played part in this as well. If your gym isn't seeking out these bids or winning these bids, then parents and kids jump ship for somewhere that will.
I think we have to acknowledge that social media and the internet also have a part in this. Back in the day, you were at the gym that was close to your house. You saw the other teams at competitions, and if you were lucky you saw the big teams at Cheersport, UCA and NCA. There wasn't as much exposure. You couldn't log into youtube, facebook, or any social media app and see daily/weekly routine changes. We didn't know what we didn't know. Now a simple google search will show all of the gyms in your area, with a rundown of their "national champion" teams. I think society as a whole (of course not everyone) has the mindset that their child is the best and deserves to be at the best. The Suzie tick tock video was funny because it was true. If the coach doesn't think their child is the best, then they'll find a coach/gym that does. I think this entitlement is an issue in all youth sports, not just cheer. It seems new articles from college coaches pop up everyday on how the kids have changed.
Again I think its lots of things happening at once that have created the culture of the big gym takeover. I'm sure I'm leaving out many other factors but those are the ones that came to my head.