The only issue I have with that idea is that without universal standards or consistent judging, many folks would use those numbers to compare performances from comp to comp, when the systems aren't currently designed to produce that. They would make potentially false assumptions. (Example: All of the top 5's performances at Cheersport were dramatically better than the performances of any of the Worlds teams.) I think this would promote comparisons between competitions that simply wouldn't be valid.
I do get where you are going. Many people understand that getting 96% of the questions right on a 2nd grade reading test is not necessarily as impressive as getting 94% of the questions right on your Honors Advanced Calculus 4 test at MIT. (just an example - not comparing CS and Worlds this way) However, I cringe at the thought of what people who spend less time on score details than we do would do with this.
IMO, the standards the judges use (and the quality and consistency of the judges themselves) should be what our efforts are focused on. As I have mentioned MANY times (and will continue to do so ad nauseum until things improve) - judging consistency is awful. It is rare that we go to a competition where there isn't at least one elementary mistake made on at least 1 of our teams' scoresheets.
So far this season (bear in mind that this is only from looking at 1 program's scoresheets):
1. A completely blank box on a scoresheet. No score given. This was not caught by the judge, the head judge, or the tabulator.
2. (multiple times) completely out of range scoring. Scores that weren't theoretically possible for the level.
3. Simple addition mistakes.
4. Deductions given, but not actually taken. (NOT warnings - mistakes noted on the deduction sheet that simply weren't counted off for.)
5. Teams within the same division NOT scored by the same judging panel.
I am telling you folks - double check your scores! I get angry when EPs won't let us see other teams' numbers because I have seen how often they can be wrong. If I find this many mistakes on our scoresheets, why should I assume that other teams are being scored correctly? Why should I think that the teams are being scored fairly?