All-Star Male Flyers

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Nov 21, 2010
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I were flyer in our stunt last year but not this and I wonder what you think about male flyers? This year I only fly in the tosses and the pyramid. I've started basing and it's fun!
A guy on my daughters team used to do the pod stunts when he was at another gym. This year he is doing baskets and pyramid. Hey if a guy can do it let him! :)
I flew when I was younger cause I was so small.. I did partner stunts and the pyramid.
Baskets and in Pyramids: OK
Elite/Stunt Section: not soo much. . . if u got girls and can still stretch them . . . . go for the girl . . . it takes away the grace and poise in every hitting of body positions if there's a guy out there snapping with all the winks and pouts. lol

The most gorgeous Male Flyer iv seen so far this season doing Baskets was from
CheerForce International Coed . . .
Really long legs, gorgeous technique., . .
I've never been a huge fan of male flyers. Nothing against them... that's awesome if they can do all that stuff too, but I just feel like they are supposed to stay on the ground! I really loved CEA Coed Elite's pyramid last season, but thats the most flying I want to see from a guy personally.
I think that a guy flyer in a pyramid is very helpful. They are usually strong and can help pull the girls flipping a lot. With that in mind, I backspoted a male flyer last year and it was a terrible experience. He was solid muscle like no body fat so when he fun on me which was almost every time it hurt sooooo bad. We constantly fell because he would try to twist himself and do all the work which meant the group was way overpowered. Not to mention it got pretty awkward when he would wear baggy basketball shorts and I would have to touch his butt.
I've never been a huge fan of male flyers. Nothing against them... that's awesome if they can do all that stuff too, but I just feel like they are supposed to stay on the ground! I really loved CEA Coed Elite's pyramid last season, but thats the most flying I want to see from a guy personally.

agreed! baskets and pyramids are ok, but id rather see girls in the air for the elite section.