All-Star Mature "look" For 12-13 Year Olds On Senior Worlds Teams?

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How do you feel about your cp transitioning to the "mature look" because they are now on Senior Worlds teams? My friend's daughter is 13 and was told she needs to have a more mature look for her team that consisted of adding eyelashes; hair extensions; hair coloring and very expensive makeup palette. Is this the norm or even necessary for the younger athletes on worlds teams to fit in with the older athletes and have similiar look?
What gym is your friend at?
Hair extensions, hair color and (maybe) the expensive eyeshadow is ridiculous.

Hair extensions are, at the lowest, $150. Not to mention, bad for your hair. And honestly, I do not think judges care about how long/thick your hair is by any means. Yes, it should look nice, but you do NOT need hair extensions. I can totally understand if someone WANTS them for cheer, I want them. But I definitely don't think it's fair to require them.

Coloring your hair? Really? It's not something you can do for a competition Saturday and take out that night. Hair color literally plays no part in judging. I have never watched a routine and looked at someone's hair color. It's only understandable if someone has like unnatural, crayola colored hair. Plus, if I want to go get my hair colored it's probably going to be at least $70, which is crazy for something you don't want to do for yourself, but for cheer.

The makeup is kinda part of the uniform. I know a lot of gyms go through cheer companies for special color palettes. But if they're trying to get you to buy the Naked Palette (or similar products) that isn't necessary. Sooo many other options you can get if you're not into that sort of thing.

All of this is coming from me, someone who is 100% for big hair and dark eye makeup and bright lips, all the time. If I can see what's wrong, the gym should too lol
Definitely not a gym requirement but more of advice or suggestions given to the younger athletes I believe but will get additional clarity. As a previous poster stated. this may be a way of helping the team look more uniformed. I found it a tad odd and may make some of the athletes uncomfortable, just my opinion.
Definitely not a gym requirement but more of advice or suggestions given to the younger athletes I believe but will get additional clarity. As a previous poster stated. this may be a way of helping the team look more uniformed. I found it a tad odd and may make some of the athletes uncomfortable, just my opinion.
In the original post you said she had to look more mature and do things like hair extensions, spray tan, eyelashes, etc... Which makes it sound like a requirement and not merely a suggestion or just advice.

Not trying to sound rude here but know it will sound that way. Did you misspeak or are you retracting some since I asked for a gym name which would allow the original post to be verified?
*sudders* this is the creepy part of all star cheer...
For or against tanning?
I don't anyone should fake bake but I don't have a problem with spray tans. I let my daughter do it because she is pale and her uniform is white. I make sure we get a good spray tan so she isn't orange. That is not an attractive look on anyone.
At Worlds there was a team, also in a white uni, where everyone was tan except the front and center flyer (I do not remember what team). It definitely distracted me the entire 2:30 because she stood out and the whole routine did not seem uniform to me.
My CP10 had to wear false eyelashes last year, and she hated them. She was on a R5 team and they were mandatory, even the brand and style was dictated. They are not required for her this year (we changed gyms) and she is ecstatic!

She is also pasty white? so she gets a spray tan, and it was also required. She likely still tan this year, even though it is not mandatory.
How close are the judges sitting that they can tell you're wearing false eyelashes or not?!? Seriously? Not even people in VIP sections could tell you that.

As we say in film: if they're focusing on that, we're doing it wrong.
Spray tan > cancer bed.
Spray tan=unknown, potentially carcinogenic substances=potential spray-on cancer.

I don't anyone should fake bake but I don't have a problem with spray tans. I let my daughter do it because she is pale and her uniform is white. I make sure we get a good spray tan so she isn't orange. That is not an attractive look on anyone.
At Worlds there was a team, also in a white uni, where everyone was tan except the front and center flyer (I do not remember what team). It definitely distracted me the entire 2:30 because she stood out and the whole routine did not seem uniform to me.
I shimmied for the first part of your response (I can understand that). But after the first partner stunt, your eye and brain register the fact that the point flyer is pale.
Spray tan=unknown, potentially carcinogenic substances=potential spray-on cancer.

I shimmied for the first part of your response (I can understand that). But after the first partner stunt, your eye and brain register the fact that the point flyer is pale.

Yes, because as a former dancer, who likes clean lines, it did not appear clean to me.
Yes, because as a former dancer, who likes clean lines, it did not appear clean to me.
Now that I can understand. I too have a very strong preference for cleanliness and simplicity (hence my love for UCA-style HS cheer). I like synchronized tumbling, clean uniforms, clean choreography, etc.
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I would laugh if someone told me to dye or highlight my hair. Um, no? My hair is really dark brown.... Trying to do anything to it would be super damaging.
My mom did say "we might have to get you a spray tan this season, you're kind of blinding..." A few weeks ago, which makes me laugh bc when we first started cheer she was extremely opposed to them. I'm not even that pale? But I like to use tanner on my legs so they're not so white, so I'm not really opposed to a spray tan.
It's ridiculous for these things to be required though. I guess I understand the point of fake eyelashes, bc my eyes look tiny and like I have no eyelashes at all from far away, but I don't think it should be required.... Tell people to wear eyeliner, blush, whatever eyeshadow, and mascara and it should be fine.... If they choose fake eyelashes that's their choice. Same with tanning, highlights, and extensions (though I can't say I understand the reasoning for the last two).
I would laugh if someone told me to dye or highlight my hair. Um, no? My hair is really dark brown.... Trying to do anything to it would be super damaging.
My mom did say "we might have to get you a spray tan this season, you're kind of blinding..." A few weeks ago, which makes me laugh bc when we first started cheer she was extremely opposed to them. I'm not even that pale? But I like to use tanner on my legs so they're not so white, so I'm not really opposed to a spray tan.
It's ridiculous for these things to be required though. I guess I understand the point of fake eyelashes, bc my eyes look tiny and like I have no eyelashes at all from far away, but I don't think it should be required.... Tell people to wear eyeliner, blush, whatever eyeshadow, and mascara and it should be fine.... If they choose fake eyelashes that's their choice. Same with tanning, highlights, and extensions (though I can't say I understand the reasoning for the last two).
The size of your eyes might also be affected by the amount of dark eyeliner/eyeshadow near the base of your lash line (not saying you do this, but it's a thing).

Granted- again, the judges really aren't going to be focused that much on whether or not your lashes are of length. I doubt they see that well lol.
My coach once suggested i get hair extensions, but it was mostly because my hair in a pony tail is like nothing so its impossible for me to make my hair look like the rest. Maybe this gym/coach was suggesting these things so the comparison between the 18 year olds on the team vs the 13 year old arent as different. A lot of times the little ones don't like to spend as much time on hair and makeup so they don't look as "done" as the rest, or they look different than the rest. Are you sure they said "extensions, fake eyelashes and spray tans are mandatory" or did they just say "she needs to be more mature looking". ?
All our teams wear the same makeup and hair. I don't feel it's to makes our girls look older as we still do glitter eyeshadows lol.

However I feel like terrible after reading this as my kid does wear lashes and hair extensions.

Not because we are told we have to but she likes lashes usually. (Sometimes we skip them) she said it makes her feel more fierce. She also loves her hair extensions because she wants longer hair. Her hair isn't short but it doesn't grow ever. Sometimes your hair just reaches a certain length and you can cut it, and get it more healthy and it grows right back to the same length and stops.

We do poof and teased pony so by the time her hair is up in a ponytail it's not very long. If she had short hair that's fine with them but it's for her not for them.

Her hair extensions are a natural hair color and no one knows it's not her hair.

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