All-Star Medium Senior Comparison

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Question on orange: are 13 girls throwing standing fulls, or are 13 girls in standing fulls? I had been told only 9 actually compete them, but I could be wrong as I am too lazy to check myself. Also, doesn't the last pass end with full whip double right now? (I'm sure she will do double whip double later in the season, her tumbling is beyond gorgeous) Orange has so much talent, as usual, and it amazes me every year.
Question on orange: are 13 girls throwing standing fulls, or are 13 girls in standing fulls? I had been told only 9 actually compete them, but I could be wrong as I am too lazy to check myself. Also, doesn't the last pass end with full whip double right now? (I'm sure she will do double whip double later in the season, her tumbling is beyond gorgeous) Orange has so much talent, as usual, and it amazes me every year.

In the video he posted there are 13 girls in the formation and I saw 5 do tucks.

Also last pass did do a full whip double in the video.

I think he is predicting what they plan on throwing for worlds.... not sure.
In the video he posted there are 13 girls in the formation and I saw 5 do tucks.
Thank you! I can't even begin to count skills in a routine, my attention span is that of a goldfish. Oops. Haha and yeah I was thinking that as well, I can't wait to see the worlds routine!
In the video he posted there are 13 girls in the formation and I saw 5 do tucks.

Also last pass did do a full whip double in the video.

I think he is predicting what they plan on throwing for worlds.... not sure.

Yeah I like that they are posting the numbers and everything because i wouldn't take the time to do it for a full division and post it but a lot of the numbers and things were wrong. orange had 4 visible kick kick doubles and 1 hitch kick. the other two were sorta blended/just a kick double. Also, aces had 3 3 to doubles in that section.

To get in the high range for stunting doesn't every single group need to be doing the same stunt.. so no fakes. I was watching videos and saw scores for some competitions and that is confusing me a little. It says maximum which is nearly 100%.

Standing tumbling
(2) one to full
(2) standing full
(1) two to full
(13) two to full
(7) three to double
Total: 25 (Plus 28 jump to tuck) = 53
Medium to high range. Most athletes participate in both standing pass and jump to tuck

(6) fake fullups to immediate stretch, bow
(5) cartwheel down and cartwheel up to prep, full up to lib
(1) fullup to extension
(6) Arabesque, low lib, tick tock to high stretch, tick tock to scorp, double down
(3) Double based preps press to extension
(6) BHS up to extension
Medium to high range. 2 or 3 elite skills (I'm unsure on what counts exactly) and 1 level dismount. They will probably get knocked for not maxing out on groups.

(2) kick pretty girl arch tosses
(1) toe arch tosses
(6) kick double
Low. Majority participates in kick double.

(22) Left front, toe, right front, pike, toe, tuck
(12) Pike
(6) Toe tuck
High range. Various jumps both combination and single jumps.

Running tumbling
(8) roundoff fulls
(2) RO Full
(1) Whip arabian to full
(4) Arabian to double, 2 of which are synched
(7) RO BHS BHS Double
(2) Whip through to double
(16) RO BHS Full
(1) Arabian to full, punchback roundoff through to double
Total: 41
High range. Variety of elite passes.

(2) x-out tosses
(1) toss and catch to stomach roll out
(1) x-out toss
(2) Braced fullup to lib, press tick tock to hitch
(1) full twist braced flip to cradle
(2) half twist front flip to cradle (?)
(2) vault over full to cradle
Structure: (3) preps, (2) outside arabesques
(2) vault over layouts to cradle
Structure: (7) paperdolls - (1) lib, (6) outside stretch
(2) backflip dismount
(2) frontflip dismount
Medium to high range. Two structures but various transitions.

Not a lot of movement, various levels, pretty quick
Low to medium range. Formations generally stay the same and not very entertaining.

Oh how I wish you were there to give the judges instructions ...... Actually counting skills and knowing what is performed...what a great concept :)
Just one thing if you watch the video they only throw 3 (3) to doubles the other 4 are singles...
These are pretty good break downs. But watching live I think the ability of a judge to accurately gauge the difficulty score and properly judge the performance is very low. Live judges should only be concerned with the performance of skills, not difficulty. A video judge in the back would do exactly what people on here do when they break down the routine.
These are pretty good break downs. But watching live I think the ability of a judge to accurately gauge the difficulty score and properly judge the performance is very low. Live judges should only be concerned with the performance of skills, not difficulty. A video judge in the back would do exactly what people on here do when they break down the routine.

You are so correct. Has to move to this to ever become accurate and reproducable.
The only thing I disagree with is your assessment of the tosses. To score in high range, I believe you need squad toss and then 3 others. So majority doing kick doubles (or switch kick doubles) and then having 3 additional tosses throughout the routine is all you need to get into high range. You do not need majority participation in a variety of tosses. Also, to get into high range this year in running tumbling, you need to have MOST (75%) doing either doubles or specialty to fulls. So I don't see either team in the high range (YET). Unless I am misunderstanding your posts. Otherwise, pretty right on! I love routine breakdowns!
These are pretty good break downs. But watching live I think the ability of a judge to accurately gauge the difficulty score and properly judge the performance is very low. Live judges should only be concerned with the performance of skills, not difficulty. A video judge in the back would do exactly what people on here do when they break down the routine.
I totally agree. I wasn't by any means trying to say "I am a judge!" it was more of to end the "well this team is better than this team" without really looking into the detail. I know when I looked at it, I was surprised as to how high aces actually scored.. especially compared to orange!

The only thing I disagree with is your assessment of the tosses. To score in high range, I believe you need squad toss and then 3 others. So majority doing kick doubles (or switch kick doubles) and then having 3 additional tosses throughout the routine is all you need to get into high range. You do not need majority participation in a variety of tosses. Also, to get into high range this year in running tumbling, you need to have MOST (75%) doing either doubles or specialty to fulls. So I don't see either team in the high range (YET). Unless I am misunderstanding your posts. Otherwise, pretty right on! I love routine breakdowns!
I was going off of what I found here:
For tosses it says:
Low-Majority of the athletes participate in a kick double full toss
Medium-Maximum number of athletes (including front spots) participate in 1 specialty kick double full toss
High-Maximum number of athletes (including front spots) participate in 1 specialty kick double full toss. 3 additional tosses are performed. Includes a variety
Most of these teams have the variety down but they do straight kick doubles, not specialty. Unless I'm reading it wrong. I'm not a judge.. just an aged out college kid on break with nothing better to do hahah
Just one thing if you watch the video they only throw 3 (3) to doubles the other 4 are singles...
I'm assuming those will all be doubles eventually.. If I'm remembering correctly I believe orange had some watered down passes too so there about even on that one.
I totally agree. I wasn't by any means trying to say "I am a judge!" it was more of to end the "well this team is better than this team" without really looking into the detail. I know when I looked at it, I was surprised as to how high aces actually scored.. especially compared to orange!

I was going off of what I found here:
For tosses it says:
Low-Majority of the athletes participate in a kick double full toss
Medium-Maximum number of athletes (including front spots) participate in 1 specialty kick double full toss
High-Maximum number of athletes (including front spots) participate in 1 specialty kick double full toss. 3 additional tosses are performed. Includes a variety
Most of these teams have the variety down but they do straight kick doubles, not specialty. Unless I'm reading it wrong. I'm not a judge.. just an aged out college kid on break with nothing better to do hahah

Both teams do a team toss (that are specialty as far as I can see) and 3 additional tosses, so they both meet the "high range" requirement. Now technique and all is different, but I believe they both meet the high range for tosses. I don't think either hit high range for running tumbling. But this is early, so I expect that to change as the year goes on. On a medium team, they need to have at least 23 doing specialty to full or doubles to get into high range. I think they can do that, just aren't doing it yet.
If someone wants to try and count super seniors tumbling and PM me that would be awesome! I have everything for them except that.. The angle on my video isn't great so I need another set of eyes for sure.
Fame Super Seniors
Someone please check these tumbling numbers.. hard to tell.
More recent:

Clearer angle:

Standing Tumbling
(8) two to double
(8) one to full
(5) standing full
(1) toe full
(6) two to full
(5) two to double
Total: 32 (Plus 28 jumps to tuck) = 60
High range because everyone does a standing pass and jump tumbling.

(7) Fullup to lib, tick tock to scorp, scale, clean and switch to opposite lib, tick tock to bow, lib, arabesque, double down
High range. They meet the requirements for both 3 skills and 1 dismount.

(28) Front, pike, toe tuck
(17) toe touch
Medium to high range. Almost everyone does triple jump but only a majority do the single jump.

(17) RO BHS Full/layout all synched
(8) RO BHS BHS double/full all synched
(2) Punchfront through to double
(12) RO BHS Full (4 separate groups)
(1) RO BHS Double (Will probably be RO BHS double through to double)
Total: 4o
I'm actually pretty unsure of these numbers.. the more recent video is pretty blurry so it was hard to count but they definitely need to add more doubles or specialty passes.

(1) Toe arch
(2) Pike arch
(7) kick double
Meet the requirements for both variety and double full tosses. They can move into a higher range by adding hitch kicks, switch kicks, etc.

First structure: (8) paperdoll scales
Second structure: (2) preps holding (2) outside arabesques with (1) prep in the middle, (1) extension behind and (1) v-sit in the front
(2) backflips to scrunch
(1) layout vault over
Third structure: (2) preps holding (2) outside hitches with (1) prep in the middle, (1) extension behind, and (1) v-sit infront
(2) lib ticktock to L-sit in scrunch, dip to straddle on preps and front flip
(1) Front layout to cradle
(2) layout vaultover
(2) backflip to stomach
Fourth structure: (1) prep infront, (1) extension connected to (2) outside hitches and (2) outside stretch
Dismount: All groups come down clean
Several structures and transitions that can put them in the higher range. More variety and twisting transitions would be helpful.

It's super seniors y'all. Fierce as usual. Not too many big formation changes though.
Medium to high range. They have the entertainment level and difficulty for the high range but more formation changes should be happening since most people stay in close to the same spot.