All-Star Most Recent Injury in Cheerleading, and How you did it.

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i havent [knock on wood] had any injuries since last summer. i pulled my hip flexor at the end of the summer, and in july i did something to my wrist/thumb thought it was broken but it wasnt, it got better in a couple weeks. currently all that is wrong is my ankle hurts when i tumble because im starting to throw front fulls again so when i land them low it hurts, but thats alll
I was back from Christmas break, and I started working on my hand tuck, and i landed on my face then, i also hurt my knee during a standing tuck because i landed wrong! Ihave not gone to a docter and im not planning on it, i am scared to death by them lolol,. Right now, i havea knee brace with metal in so hopefully tht helps! Thank god my knee isnt dislocated so that i can still cheer!! <3 :) <3

10 yrs, and counting
we're still going strong
RE Allstars Together
Broken Tybia - Doing a Toe Touch...
I dislocated my elbow flying a week before NCA Dallas. It was awful I couldn't compete and when I finally could at the end of the season I had no skills and lost all my spots! It sucked but that was last year and I went this whole season injury free!
today i was chillen at the gym talking to these 2 girls about how its very hard to sprain my ankle because the ligaments are horribbly loose. i was showing them how my ankle practically dislocates every time i shake my leg(like without the foot touching the floor). i lost my ballance and fell on my ankle, rolled it and now its sprained. ohh irony.
I'm the injury joke of my gym so I love reading all these, but sorry everyone had to go through all the pain and healing!
I broke my knee stupidly landing straight legged in a toetouch.
Dislocated my knee cap doing a backhandspring in my living room.
Dislocated my finger when I touched out of a full and had to get surgery and it still doesn't bend all the way and is way crooked!
Sprained my ankle doing a full
Broke my nose catching a kick double
Dislocated a finger on a low bhs on the tt
Slipped a disc in my back.. technically from a growth spirt but probably wouldn't have noticed if it wasnt for cheering.. especially jumping KILLED and still does some times
Dislocated my knee cap cowboying on a tripple toe back
Dislocated my knee cap 2 months later on a standing back.... over a year ago and i'm still petrified of them and can only do them without shoes on and if i'm having a realllly good tumbling night :(
that's all for now.. hopefully I won't be reporting back! This is my last year cheering, I'd be crushed if I got injured and couldn't compete!
I completely torn my achilles tendon in October, was in denial for two months thinking it would get better witch actually made it 2 times worse. Then I finally got surgery in December. 5 months on crutches and 2 more months in a walking boot later Im almost back to tumbling. Pretty much my worst nightmare. Always stretch those achilles tendons ha
Tore a tendon in my wrist throwing baskets with a girl who had no idea what she was doing.. Been cheering on it since October but I'm finally getting surgery June 3. Hopefully I'll be back for the season! This is my first major cheer injury.. I also have tendonitis in my ankle and have been wearing an ankle brace since about Octoberish too but I don't think thats really major ha

But in gymnastics I had like a million injuries hah Including 2 fractured hips, fractured foot, panner's disease (pitcher's elbow), tendonitis in my elbow, broken finger, plus some more that I'm forgetting haha

Oh and a weird thing about my injuries is that every one of them has been on my left side.. Thats my dominant tumbling side so I guess thats part of the reason but I just find it so weird! lol
landed wrong in a toe touch and sprained my ankle...five minutes before 2011 cheer tryouts...and the night before prom >.<
1. Dislocated My Thumb
- Basing
2. Sprained My Ankle
-Working My Full On Hard Floor
3. Pulled And Stretched Nerves In My Hand/ Fingers
-Catching My Flyer And Keeping Her From Hittin The Ground.
I Only Caught Her With My Fingers.
poor girl! prayers from MD!

I've been really lucky and have never had any serious injuries. A few years ago I had stress fractures in both my elbows and wasn't allowed to tumble. A few months ago I jammed my finger and tore a ligament in it :( I still can't fit any rings on that finger.

that girl is me haha, thank you so much!