All-Star Most Touching Cheer Moments...

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- At Nationals 2009 my team performed quite well. Not perfect, so we wasn't so excited at the awards. It didn't go so well for my youth team that I coach, so I was in a bad mood. I layed down on the floor resting (long awards ceremony). I layed like that for a while, half asleep lol. Out of nowhere, I saw my whole team jumping up and down. We got 3rd, so it was great! Really surprising, better than any gold I have.

- Also at Nationals, but 2010, I somehow ended up on a meeting with all the judges, two represants from each program and some more people. Different people responsible for different things in the swedish cheerleading federation started to talk about what they do. One person who is responsible for media and information talked for a while, then out of nowhere, she said I do incredible much for cheerleading in Sweden, with my cheerleading blog. Everyone at the meeting started clapping at me. It was such a great feeling, getting response from all these great people, who all read my blog... :)
- Also at Nationals, but 2010, I somehow ended up on a meeting with all the judges, two represants from each program and some more people. Different people responsible for different things in the swedish cheerleading federation started to talk about what they do. One person who is responsible for media and information talked for a while, then out of nowhere, she said I do incredible much for cheerleading in Sweden, with my cheerleading blog. Everyone at the meeting started clapping at me. It was such a great feeling, getting response from all these great people, who all read my blog... :)

This is really cool.
This is really cool.
Thank you! I'm very grateful getting so much recognition from the Swedish cheerleading federation and my readers. Knowing I'm inspiration to people just makes me... AHH. So happy.
My first competition was a really touching moment for me. I didn't start cheering until I was a sophomore and coming from a gymnastics background, the energy and excitement at that competition was a real change from the quiet of a gymnastics meet. I was so nervous, but I couldn't have asked for a better experience. We went out there, rocked our routine, and ended up winning the competition.

Another was at NCA this past year. The team that I was on had struggled all season, but we came together, changed our routine a bit and were ready to compete. Alas day one didn't go as well as we hoped with a stunt fall and some other mistakes. When we came in for day two, all we wanted to do was hit that routine, and we did. I remember sitting at awards wondering what was going to happen, and listening as they called out the placements. It was down to two teams and all they had to do was say the first syllable of the city for the second place team and I knew we had done it. That win meant so much because not only did we overcome so many obstacles to get there and come from behind to win, but it was also my very first NCA jacket. :)
Mine was my high school team my freshman year ay regionals. Our school hasnt made it to states in like seven years right before they called out the winning team our began giving us a speech about how everything dosent always work out the way it should and they said our name, and our cheerleaders litteraly flew out of the stands and falling into the screaming crying in excitement.
Mine is winning cheersport nationals my first year competitive cheering after being perfect the first day and having such a lead, 10 points i think, that even with a stunt drop the second day, we still won and beat our rivals of the year!
I've had goosebumps reading this whole thread.

My moment was when senior elite won worlds. The energy in the milkhouse still gives me chills. Everyone being so excited for them was something truly amazing. Also at WSF seeing so many people walking around with MWE buttons and ribbons was amazing.
The first time I ever competed our music malfunctioned and stopped playing, I was really little and didnt know what to do!
The whole crowd started counting and cheering us on and we hit the routine and took first!
The first time I ever competed our music malfunctioned and stopped playing, I was really little and didnt know what to do!
The whole crowd started counting and cheering us on and we hit the routine and took first!

i was about to post my story that is the exact same as yours. my very first competition our music stopped and we all just looked at each other for a second then we just kept on doing our routine, and we got the whole stadium clapping for us
My most touching cheer moment was my second year in allstars at Reach the Beach in Ocean City. It is one of the biggest competitions we were going to, and last year we didnt place very high, so I wasn't really expecting much. But Day 1 we hit a perfect routine. My friend and I were some of the last ones from my gym at the convention center and we were waiting for our coach to come downstairs with the Day 1 results. I remember hearing her before I saw her. She came screaming and crying down the escalators saying we were in first place and ahead by 50 points! We stood there and hugged for a good 20 minutes with us all freaking out. We had no deductions that day, and the next day we preformed even better because we were so full of energy. At the award ceremony, we all started to cry. It was the first time our gym has won a big nationals and JACKETS! From then on, our motivation was to get a new jacket because that one is getting old, but honestly, my first jacket will never get old in my heart.
4 years ago this March, I was diagnosed with stage 4 Cancer, smack in the middle of compeititon season. After dealing with the shock and telling my own family, I had to figure out what to tell my gym. I was so worried about telling the kids in my program and how they would react to something so scarey, not to mention if I would be able to continue running my gym through all the treatments. The wonderful coaches & parents in my program took over the job for me, and had a meetning with the kids and parents, and explained everything to them that they could. That night, I had an overwhelming amount of emails, calls, and homemade cards and gifts from the kids (and parents) delivered to my house. It showed me that a gym truly is another family, even if not by blood.

That weekend, we had a competition and It was the first chance I had to see everyone. I was sitting by myself, feeling a bit overwhelmed and lost not knowing how to act or what to do, when my entire little youth and junior team came up to me, said I wasnt allowed to be sad for a single min, and gave me massive hugs and kisses and said it was their personal mission that day to make me smile. They did :)

A few mins later, i looked to the door, and my entire family including my husband and (at the time) my 2 young sons had arrived to support me and watch my teams (something that rarely ever happened). All that day, before my teams competed, they huddled in the middle of the floor, and then did a little cheer dedicating their performances to me... and every time, I bawled. At the end of the day, every single coach of other programs approached me and offered any assistance they could with my gym, kids, family or simply to make my family a meal during treatments. I was blown away by generousity of "rivals".

A few weeks later was Nationals, and the day after my team was supposed to leave was my first treatment so I had to miss the trip. The Nationals organizors were AMAZING, assuring me that they would take care of the team when they arrived (only having a young first time coach with them). The coaches and parents took over the trip details for me, and took care of EVERYTHING so I didn't have to worry. They sent me min by min competition updates and brought home lots of treats and gifts from the event (as well as a decent placing!!).

The entire time I was sick, I had (my entire family had actually) the greatest support system from my extended family of my gym, and the other kids and coaches in my area (Yes, even other cheerleaders from other gyms who barely knew me). It was unbelievable. I believe that without cheerleading, things would have been much more difficult and I don't think there is any other sport or activity that would have ever given me as much, even when I didn't realize I needed it. On the 3 yr anniversary of being diagnosed, I was awarded coach of the year, after being nominated by my coaches, athletes and parents for overcoming the odds. I really should have been the ones nominating THEM for everything they did for me.

Every time I think of that time in my life, I remember the mess of feelings I had, how awful I felt, and how scared I was, but I also feel warm and fuzzy when I think of all those AMAZING people who gave their time, energy and love to me and my family, and I will forever be in their debt.

I am happy to say that I made it through, and have been cancer free for 3 years now!
A favorite memory of mine was at the UCA Nationals in 2009. It was the 2nd year that my cheer team had gone to the competition. The previous year, we came in fourteenth place. So this year, we decided we needed to prove ourselves. The first day we came in fourth place. We were kind of bummed because we thought we did better than that. Awards come and my team gathered on the floor, with all of the other teams we were competing against. First, they called 10th place and it wasn’t us. When they finally get to 4th place, they say a teams name, it wasn’t ours. Then they call 3rd place, it still wasn’t us. By this point, we were thinking “What? We moved out of top 10?” We thought there was no way we moved up two spots up in the placing because of how hard it was to do. Then, they call 2nd place. It was us! We all started screaming, and jumping, and going crazy. I remember the team next to us yells “you know you didn’t get first place, right?” But we didn’t care. From last year, being in fourteenth place, to that year getting second, it was a huge improvement. It’s one of my favorite memories.
The truly touching things happen in the back, in my experience. There are fortunately SO MANY ... I do love this sport in so many ways. I'll tell you briefly of one ... I was in the back with the coaches and athletes on Twisters' "Eye of the Storm (EOTS)" getting ready to go to warm-ups and behind them was another of our teams waiting to warm up, too. That team was playing "Little Sally Walker," trying to stay loose. A few minutes into the game, they surrounded EOTS and had them join in. The EOTS athletes were THRILLED and before you knew it, two other clubs had joined them all! Afterward, one of the parents came up to me with tears in his eyes and said, "That's the best thing I've ever seen. I have never seen [his daughter on EOTS] laugh and dance that much! God Bless You!" I had NOTHING to do with getting it started ... but I'll never forget it!
i love this. !
our team play games like rock the boat and little sally walker and we try to encourage girls /guys from other teams to come join us if there just standing back and watching.
some joinn some dont.(: its always nice tho.

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