All-Star Most Touching Cheer Moments...

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Last season me and my team members were watching our division. There was another girl who was in our division who was from another team watching as well. A team went on and they were not doing so well. She screamed and yelled for them, she clapped her hands, and she banged on the stage. My team members asked her, "Their in the same division as you why are you cheering for them?" and she explained to us that she loves cheerleading but win or loose she is still the same person, she would never wish a bad routine on anyone, and karma is a b****. She was really the sweetest girl I ever met and she inspired my whole team, including myself, to always cheer for everyone. Even if they are in our division.
THIS is awesome! We should all take a lesson from this girl. It's the big picture. It's why we love cheer, why we got into it in the first place. Some of us find it easy to forget in the heat of competition...
I love love this thread.

I've said this before, but my most heartwarming moment will always be back in 2003 at AmeriCheer nationals. My team hit a perfect routine and were told by coaches and athletes from numerous other gyms that we were undoubtedly going to win. Unfortunately, we received a false safety penalty (we had performed the same stunt at Americheer regionals and had not been penalized or told it was illegal) and had 40 points deducted from our score. After our coaches told us before awards, we were all sobbing in the back waiting to go out to the floor for awards. A team in our division, USA Wildcats, comforted us and supported us the entire time, giving us hugs and telling us how well we did.

I'll never forget how much that meant to my team.
I have three. One being my own, one being my sisters, and one being for the two of us.
1. Our first year of All Star One my sister was on Firecrackers Youth 3. It was the first year Brenner brought teams to Cheersport. It was also the year my sister won her Cheersport jacket :) Coming from a smaller gym and not winning many competitions, winning Cheersport was like winning Worlds to us. It was one of my happiest cheer moments ever for sure.
2. Two years later at Cheersport, 3rd year of All Star One being on their first Senior 5 team and receiving our bid to worlds. That was the best 5th place victory I have ever received :)
3. This past weekend in good old Reading PA. All Star Ones 4th season. 1st season with a Small Ltd Coed 5. My senior year, and captain of AS1 Big Bang. We won a paid bid. That to me is my Cheersport Jacket and a moment I will most definitely NEVER forget. (Although Cheersport Jacket is next on my bucket list... hehe)
In my gym when one girls sister was really sick we all sent her messages and hoped that she would get better. It was so sweet how we all pulled to together to support her.
I remember one time at a competition 2 girls on my team were doing a duet and so where their rivals and of course they were both like were gonna beat the other girls and people trash talking eachother but when awards came and they announced that the other two girls got second, they ran up, hugged them and said how amazing they did. i thought it was so cute because they got over their differences in the end.

awwww i loved watching that! it really brought a smile to my face.
well mine would be when my sister got off of a shoulder sit, twisted her ankle, then the girls on my team carrying her off to the car to the er... my team doesnt have the strongest bond, but that made me smile
Last weekend we had a competition and i had been feeling sick all day, right before we went on i threw up, but all my coaches and teammates were right there encouraging me, and it gave me the strength to finish out the routine (:
At Pop Warner Nationals, our team was probably the most talented team that my town has ever had. We were all really excited for nationals and we knew that if we hit and had that energy that we could win. Our music got messed up and then we had mistakes in our pyramid and we knew it was over then. We still danced it out like crazy hoping we could still place. When we got off the floor and outside of the Milk House, a bunch of the girls on my team were crying because we had wanted it that bad. Some football coach came up to me and said being a champion isn't always getting first place, that it's about how you think of yourself and knowing you did everything you could to get to where you are. It was really touching for me because it was my last year of Pop Warner since I'll be doing high school next year. I thought it was great how a football coach who most likely didn't even know where my town was or saw our routine cared enough to tell us that we are champions even though we might not have won first place.
Seeing CAC Gold win and get a bid on Sunday...

The gym chose to go from Small to Large Senior later in the season even though they knew this division is super-competitive. When decisions were made about which kids would be on Gold versus Teal there were a lot of hurt feelings and some kids left. Gold showed everyone that there are two CAC teams that are Worlds worthy and I am so proud of those kids and coaches for believing in themsleves. Everyone was crying when it was announced. Best moment this year by far!

Gosh! I am so sorry that I missed that! I was outside talking to one of my parents! I did Hug all of the Gold kids that I saw that evening!
Mine was watching a little girl get called out between awards and in comes her dad from afganastan in full arm attire. The whole crowd was in tears, the little girls faces was priceless running to her daddy crying. He had made it home for the holidays.

Is there a video of this anywhere? Altho I would be crying for hours
My senior year of HS, we decided that we REALLY wanted to place well at Conference, citing how previous years had done really well and that we could too. We worked our butts off, made the best routine we could with the few girls we had, and tried to stay positive even though the same few girls were constantly on athletic probation due to grades and poor attitude. We didn't have crazy skills and had maybe two ROBHS/BHS, going up against teams with actual tryouts who could cut people. The moment they called us third, I swear to God you would have thought we won the Olympics. Everyone came up to us and said how much we improved from the year before. That trophy was worth more than anything to me..
I have a cheer moment like AshleyErin's-

The week before a competition, one of our backspots was hospitalized. We got one of the girls from another team to learn our routine in one day! When we got to the competition we had a perfect warmup, no stunt falls, no tumbling busts, nothing. We thought we had a good chance of winning! When we finished our warm up we went up to the stage right as they were announcing the "on deck" and there was nobody in front of us! We were so rushed! We just went on the floor. We were the only team from our gym to compete at this competition, we were used to seeing a huge crowd of fans, it was only one row of seats with our parents and closest friends cheering. I was truthfully really nervous, until I saw the girl who was in the hospital right next to the coaches in the front, my face lit up. Our routine had fluke things happen that never happen, like things that would never happen! In the end I thought we had no chance of winning. People were crying, but I kept my head held high and although I was bawling my eyes out on the inside I stayed strong on the outside. The team we were competing against had a flawless routine. At awards we were the last division to be called (a good sign for this competition). The announcer said the winner of this division was also the grand champ of levels 4 and 5 and had the highest score out of the whole competition! I said to my team we stand and clap for whatever place you get. I was so nervous!!! By the time they got to second place we heard the other teams name and just looked up at eachother in shock. They called out name and we cried . That competition was probably the most nerve-racking. But one of my favorite cheer moments.
i must say the ost touching memorable experience i have ever witnessed at a cheer comptetion happened oh gosh 4 years ago when im not to sure but a girl on either a senior or junior team had cancer and was recovering from her battle and she had decieded she still wanted to compete with her team she sat in her wheel chair the whole time through warmups and when she and her team had to perform the whelled her to the front of the floor she stood up and the music started i must say it was the most amazing thing to witness this amazing girl for she had the most amazing strength and courage i had ever witnessed in one moment in time out of such a young person

another touching moment was on my cheer team in northern cali. last year, it was my senior teams last competition together and we were just about to go on when two members came out of no where with these bracelets they had made for the entire team with a little inspirational quote on it and our team name and year then they gave us all a little speech about how no matter what we are all winners and yada yada yada :) lol i can honestly say we had the best run of the season because of their kind kind words

ps. sorry if half of this makes no sense im at school trying to write this before the bell hehe :)
With Christmas fast approaching, I just wanted to know what is your warmest, fuzziest cheer moment.
Here's mine :)
At Worlds last year, it was my daughter's first year on WCSS. All the teams were wonderful to each other. I saw no mean spiritedness. Day two, the winners were announced and SS had taken silver. I was so proud of them, but I knew there was going to be some disappointment. I waited outside the Milk House and when the SS came out, a huge crowd had gathered and were cheering, "World Cup!" and throwing up the sign. My daughter turned around and one boy from Peru said, "You are NUMBER ONE!" with a very thick accent. My daughter turned to him and said, Thank you...but we lost. He then looked right into her eyes and pointed to his heart. He said, "Here, to me, you are number one." Needless to say my daughter hugged him and we all dissolved into tears, but not because we didn't take first. It was how supportive the whole community was. What a class act the world cheerleading family is! I know there is often drama, but the good always outweighs the bad for me.
i love this!! so nice

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