My most touching moment was our first international competition, the european open. My team didnt want to compete, because they had really bad experiance from the national competition which was a few months earlier. in my country many teams act horrible against the others. although my team was very positive towards the others, some other teams boo-ed the entire routine, kicked one base against her knee "by accident", called us names,...
so they felt very insecure on this big competition, especially because they only started a year before while all the other teams had years of experiance.
I stood on the back of the hall next to the guy from the music, watching my team preform. They had to do an extension, which they only learned 2 weeks before competition, usually when they did it, it went up really slow and very insecure. this time they lifted the flyer like they never did anything else in their lifes and the flyer was waving and blowing kisses on top. I felt so proud and had to cry! than when the routine was finished I couldnt run fast enough, it felt like running in slow-motion like in the movies. when I came back to my team they all lay down on the floor crying, so proud they hit it! than some other teams came towards us asking to take a picture, telling us we did so well and we all looked so pretty on the floor. It really brought back all the selfconfident they had lost. we came last this competition, but it felt like we were number 1!