As long as it doesn't turn into a grid of sorts that designates that element X is worth Y points etc... I've seen that in Europe and it's a mess.
For example, the grid would say (using level 6 as an example), a hitch/lunch pyramid is worth 7 points, but a Swedish falls is worth 8...but then a 211 is worth 9-10points.
That resulted in every single team having a 211 to some degree, regardless of execution (there were A LOT, and I mean A LOT, of teams building it to get the 9-10points that really shouldn't have been). But because of the grid system, they got the points even if it went crashing in on itself like a house of cards.
Creativity was basically completely taken out of the equation, because everyone had the exact same routine, just different uniform and music amd maybe a little different order, but all the same skills were shown.