All three times were the same reason...
He gets hungry, decides i'm going to fry something up (2 times it was fried plantains or we call them maduros and one time it was to make a fired egg - actually the 1st time was the egg) lol
so quick versions
1st time - tells my nephew who is there visiting are u hungry - he says yes - my dad says me too i'll cook some fried eggs - turns the stove on with the frying pan and the oil.... my mom is in her room and my nephew is in the family room which is attached to the kitchen but he's laying down on the couch playing his PSP.... my father says let me check something real quick in the computer room/ guest room which down the hall on the opposite side of the house (picture this kitchen is the back of the house and guest room is the front of the house by the garage) of course grandpa forgets about the oil and the frying, and my nephew doesn't notice the smoke.... pan lights up as my mom is leaving her room and sees the smoke, starts cursing off my father who is now running from the computer room towards the kitchen and the ceiling ends up burned stove top burned but still working lol and my mom is mad at my dad for 6 months lol (me and brother of course tease him lovingly for 6 months just to ease the pain of my moms anger lol)
2nd time - he decides to cook some bananas, same thing (this time he's by himself) apparently he again leaves because he became distracted by his phone (yes we all apparently suffer from ADHD) and same scenario... ceiling is now blacker and stove top looks more melted....
Final time - AND FOR ME THE BEST ONE OF ALL - he's by himself - my mom is on a flight back to florida - he gets hungry turns stove on to make bananas yet again - THEN HE CALLS ME FOR A CHAT!!!! lol - I kid you not!!! he's on the phone with me for over 30 mins!!! he left the kitchen with the stove on and the oil and the frying pan... when suddenly I hear him in Spanish scream OH poop and he drops the phone - at this point I have no idea whats happening, I hear commotion, him screaming oh poop mostly , I hear the alarm going off... he runs back to the phone tells me he has to go the kitchen is on fire (i'm lauging as I type this)... I say call the fire department (which thankfully the house alarms does it automatically) he hangs up on me and all I can think is my mom is going to kill him... he calls me back about 1 1/2 hours later, he managed to run through the kitchen with the hose from the yard which is next to the kitchen and shut the fire off... the house is completely filled with smoke, he coughing and i'm telling him to stand outside... I tell him let the firefighters do their job... I call my cousin a few blocks away and tell her please go check on my dad and check on the damage so I can ease the news to my mom (who he was already late picking up so he had called his assistant to go pick her up).... I call my mom 30 mins later... "So mom how was your trip... great... good flight then huh... so where are u now exactly? no like how far from the house.... oh ok.... so Angel picked u up? ok cool, yea the kids miss you already... yea so listen... when u get to the house just giving u a heads up, ummm don't kill dad, he loves u, he didn't mean it but yea he burned the kitchen down.... no not like the last time... yea the kitchen is pretty much useless...." she starts laughing because Angel had given her a short version to ease the pain as well lol and she thought it was hilarious that I was more concerned over my dad living then her beautiful kitchen...
I can't.... my parents are just awesome.... everyday its something but they're awesome and I love them..... lol.... of course me and my brother created a few memes for my dad and even though insurance rebuilt the kitchen and installed brand new vents throughout the house cause soot and smoke had ruined the central air vents.... and I constantly tease my dad that he's not allowed to cook by himself, the final kitchen fire was the highlight of my memory with my parents....
ETA: I just realized my oh SH*t was changed to oh poop!!! i'm dying right now lol