How is it ridiculous or random? It's not any different than the music being too long.
Just for reference here's the wording from the NCA rule book
1. Each team will perform a choreographed routine not to exceed 2 minutes and 30 seconds (150 seconds; EXCEPTION: All-Star Prep time limit is 2 minutes).
2. Music is required for all of the routine. A 2.0 penalty will be assessed if music is not used for the entire routine.
3. Organized, formal entrances that involve organized cheers or run-ons with jumps, tumbling, or stunts are not permitted. Cheerleaders should enter the performance area in a timely fashion.
4. Timing will begin with the first note of music by the team after they are officially announced and have taken the floor. Cheerleaders must have at least one foot on the performing surface when the routine starts.
5. Timing will end with the last organized word, movement, or note of music by the team. Teams must exit the performance area immediately following the routine.
6. Team names will be called twice: once as the team on deck and once as the next team to perform.
7. Routines must be appropriate for family viewing. Any vulgar or suggestive movements, words, or music will result in a score deduction. No tear-away uniforms or removal of clothing is allowed. Judges’ decisions are final