I couldn't agree more. From what I've seen SMOED doesn't have an issue with their team's placement. They are disappointed in their performance which is to be expected. But, what has made them so unhappy is how people have treated two of the youngest (if not the youngest) individuals on their team. There is NO reason under any circumstances for people to berate, make fun of, create and disseminate vines etc. I feel comfortable saying these athletes have never said or done a single thing to any of the individuals that are circulating the hateful material on social media. Why they do it? I don't know. Jealousy perhaps. I can't really say why. Maybe, because they can. But, they shouldn't. The athletes teammates can't even take to social media to attempt to thwart the bullying because then they are accused of being mean when their intention is to defend.
I'm not talking about the general discussion that surrounds a team's performance. Teams can expect to receive critique on their performance on the mat. I'm talking about mean spirited hurtful things. The athletes should never ever expect to receive what these athletes have endured on social media. Keep in mind one of these athletes is 12 years old. Really folks? This needs to stop. I don't care what gym, what team or which athlete it's happening to, it all needs to stop. Coaches you are all on social media. Handle it. It doesn't make your program look good. Parents promote sportsmanship and respect for your fellow athlete. Show your kids by example how to handle defeat graciously, win and remain humble, cope with jealousies, stay positive and stay classy.
Unfortunately this is not an isolated case. With the advent of social media it's pervasive. And so devastating. If we saw a nineteen year old individual beating up a 12 year old kid would we try to stop it ? How about 10, 15, 25...50...100 nineteen year olds all beating up on one 12 year old kid ? Would we try to stop that ? Then stop it. Because that is what is occurring. Individuals are using social media as a weapon and beating up on young kids that don't deserve it. Physical scars heal, emotional scars are far more difficult to heal. Sometimes they never heal and affect us throughout our entire lives. We can't afford to let this kind of thing go unchecked, can we ? If we do we will regret it. Remember, our kid could be next.