All-Star Nca Day 3 Updates (sunday)

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Pretty sure she'd take those labels as a demotion. I would.

And this is a testament to my restraint online. I'd be wearing that crown if I actually posted any of the first 37 responses I usually have to generally any post on the board. Sometimes I'll hit number 14 and just get tagged as "witty" but numbers 1-5 are always the best!

Le sigh.
Right? Sometimes I just have to scrap them all because if I drop the mic any harder it might break.

Wow!! Someone just asks a question about scoring and it's attack/bully time by all the daily posters. I just saw the post as a question to see what was going on. She wasn't attacking anyone. Maybe this is the one time she wanted an answer to a question. How do any of you know a mistake wasn't made? Wouldn't you want it answered if it was you? And why is she posting cheer sport vs NCA they competed against some different teams?

I'm sorry... But where is she asking a question? This is what she posted:

"When the most common question heard being asked after a team came in 2nd by a very close margin was "Oh - was the team that beat you from Texas?" And the answer 99% of the time is yes - that's a problem NCA."

I don't see anything that remotely looks like a question. I see someone making a generalization and accusation that was proven to be wrong. I saw people from Texas showing that 1) their teams win everywhere, not just at NCA, and 2) that they brought multiple teams to NCA and some of them lost to non-texas teams.

Again, no one is attacking or bullying anyone. She came on here with her saltiness about a division her child wasn't even in, threw some inaccurate shade, and got corrected. Period.

Y'all should really look into what bullying actually is. Just because it's "not nice" doesn't make it bullying.
Maybe some teams win repeatedly because they know how to hit the scoresheet, teach their athletes good technique and consistently work towards improving themselves. This, in turn, draws athletes from all over to learn from them, and it feeds the cycle. I wonder whether you've actually sat and watched Dance Worlds and compared Pace Elite teams to other teams - there is a reason why they win, and it's because they're GOOD, and not because they're from a specific state, or that the competition is rigged.

I find it ebbs and flows - you'll have years when a team (a.k.a. Smoed) is seemingly untouchable in terms of technique and difficulty, and then slowly others will catch up, and a new team will "take over", so to speak. I feel like this season is a 'catch-up' season, where everyone's difficulty is catching up to each other, and no competition has a clear winner. Some competitions favour difficulty, others favour technique. You just have roll with it and put out the best that you can on the floor. If that's not enough to win, smile, be gracious, go back to the gym and work out where you can improve. Simple.
Yes I have watched them. I am not dissing Pace... their dance teams are phenomenal. They are clearly the best and often win by a landslide..which is not the case normally in cheer. The point I'm bringing up in cheer is different than the Pace dance one. Pace outperforms, scores, turns, choreographs everyone..they are clearly the team that should come out on top. When they win the boards don't light up like xmas. Cheer is very different. In some divisions (very few) you have clear winners and in most divisions - people are left scratching their heads. That's all I'm sayin'.
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I can't speak for everyone but it was more of the tone she came across with for me than her actual opinion.
It is a written typed out post. I apologize if my 'tone' which cannot be heard in a written post offended you. It was not was sincere.
She is talking out of her a$$.
I wish I had your Teflon impenetrability on the boards, the day I'd post that comment to someone I would get lit up, not only by other posters here but by my own gym in the real world.

I swear I spend half my time just trying to figure out how to say what I want diplomatically.

Kudos for not having to go through all that. It's tedious.
It's not that she has an opinion about scoring. It's that she joined fb for the seemingly sole purpose of pointing out what a crock of bs NCA is (and has pretty much not posted anything else since joining - only about how unfair this one competition is). I am not surprised that people from Texas were offended that she said they only won because they're from Texas.

If she had valid concerns about scoring, there's a different way to start that convo, without jumping in on page 1567 and saying that the whole thing is rigged.

But really - you can't be the reigning queen of sarcasm and snark (which is not a bad thing - it's why we all love you, but let's be real... You are the Queen) and then get mad when people are sarcastic and snarky.

I did not join FB for the sole purpose of pointing out what a crock of bs NCA is. But that doesn't mean I won't do it if that's how I feel. It's nice to know people like CSP share that opinion on some level and all those hundreds and thousands of people blowing up twitter/instagram and facebook saying the same things as I am.. do too. I'm sorry if I'm representing the minority in this thread..but I stand by what I posted and my opinions and I'm still thinking about ordering cases of Texas water before next seasons NCA comp...that is if our gym goes.

PS- tone not intended to be rude. Just matter a fact and direct with slight bit of humor at bottom.
I've never been one to subscribe to the notion that NCA is biased towards Texas teams, BUT I will say that it is a common thought here. I've heard it from parents from several gyms in NJ. I have zero idea if the poster in question is from this area, but there are plenty here that would agree with her.
I wish I had your Teflon impenetrability on the boards, the day I'd post that comment to someone I would get lit up, not only by other posters here but by my own gym in the real world.

I swear I spend half my time just trying to figure out how to say what I want diplomatically.

Kudos for not having to go through all that. It's tedious.
Lol really I'm being pushed over the edge things that were said to our kids on social media and I don't even know why I care. My kid is not even on that team. Most of our kids have been nice to all the people with negative comments but 1 or 2 of them have been making snarky comments right back at them.
Not my kids not my place to correct them but I don't even care. These parents and athletes aren't judges. That division was to close for comfort and anyone's game. Our kids felt defeated after day 1 but our coaches tried their best to make them mentally ready (as some know we have a mental coach that use to work with our program that helps with this) they said they took them on a journey on day 2 to get them physically in the zone to have them hit and execute that routine on day 2 like they did. After they performed the coach asked me if it was good enough I told him I wasn't sure they looked great and I wish they could of done that on day 1 also because all the programs on day 2 looked great and I wasn't sure if it was enough to beat them. He said "It's ok I'm still proud of what they did today!" Our kids were expecting anything 1-4 as I'm sure the others were as well as you can tell how everyone thought they should of been 1st according to their tweets. I'm just truly sad for our kids.

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I posted the cheersport to let her know we didn't only win because we are from Texas like we can and have gone other places and won. We have beat allstar revolution, cheer athletics, prodigy, and rockstar all prior to this comp but it's only this comp that is rigged I guess.

Her daughter is on a j5 .. The large coed r5 division that she said she does not agree with the results (so implying that our restricted 5 shouldn't have won) doesn't even effect her. I highly doubt she even sat through all large coed r 5 teams on both days to make her comparison for who should and shouldn't have won. She is talking out of her a$$. I tried to explain to her we likely won because of our dance ... That's where we outscored everyone by more than the amounts we beat them by. I'm just sick and tired of people saying our team didn't deserve to win... Well I guess all that matters is the judges thought so and I highly doubt the judges are even from Texas to want a home team to win.

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I did watch the entire R5 division as it is likely where my daughter will end up next year. Not talking out of my a$$ - ( i'm getting attacked for being rude?) and I'm sorry I hit a hot button for you yourself acknowledged in this particular division a lot of people are saying your team did not deserve to win and I understand that that makes you defensive and irritated. It would seem to me though that saying i'm talking out of my behind while also validating what I'm saying - by acknowledging I share the same opinion as many others and you're sick of it.. well those two statements really shouldn't go in the same post. I KNOW THAT EVERY ATHLETE WORKS VERY HARD and I am sad for them that they are effected by people saying they shouldn't of won.. maybe it's a great life lesson and opportunity for them to learn to rise above all those comments and not let the opinions of others burden them. We live in the information era where everyone can see, share, say what they want and we need to prepare our children for a future where that reality is not going away.
I was just asking a sincere question. I am asking for help in understanding.
If all you were doing was asking a question (which mind you, didn't come until about 5 posts in), all you had to do was say "Would anyone be able to tell me how team X got this score and beat team Y?" You would have gotten an answer without causing unnecessary drama. There was clearly another reason why you wanted to stir the pot and come in claiming certain teams only won because of their location. Once you were proved wrong is when you asked the question.

ETA: And I really don't see how people can say Stars R5 shouldn't have won, they were the bomb!
I've never been one to subscribe to the notion that NCA is biased towards Texas teams, BUT I will say that it is a common thought here. I've heard it from parents from several gyms in NJ. I have zero idea if the poster in question is from this area, but there are plenty here that would agree with her.
THANK YOU! These is a commonly stated thought fb peeps. I just had the guts to put it out there for y'all to attack me on.
I did watch the entire R5 division as it is likely where my daughter will end up next year. Not talking out of my a$$ - ( i'm getting attacked for being rude?) and I'm sorry I hit a hot button for you yourself acknowledged in this particular division a lot of people are saying your team did not deserve to win and I understand that that makes you defensive and irritated. It would seem to me though that saying i'm talking out of my behind while also validating what I'm saying - by acknowledging I share the same opinion as many others and you're sick of it.. well those two statements really shouldn't go in the same post. I KNOW THAT EVERY ATHLETE WORKS VERY HARD and I am sad for them that they are effected by people saying they shouldn't of won.. maybe it's a great life lesson and opportunity for them to learn to rise above all those comments and not let the opinions of others burden them. We live in the information era where everyone can see, share, say what they want and we need to prepare our children for a future where that reality is not going away.
The people saying it are kids (athletes from said teams) ... Kids on other teams that couldn't have possibly watched our team because we performed before all of them since we were in 5th. So they are getting this information from parents, and I don't know any of them who have parents that are judges

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