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i could be mistaken but didnt someone from the cali program say that her mom was the one who took her out of the program right before she went to CEA. i mean you cant really blame the girl for that, her parents ultimately have the final say.
You are absolutely right.
@klynn64 I know @AliciaM is well able to have a conversation without me butting in, but as it has been pointed out on social media recently, it is one year ago, almost to the day, since Jenee first turned up at CEA. It was hashed out when she left SMOED, again when she went to CEA, again when the cheerleaders episode aired, again when Dylann left SMOED. I think it's been discussed enough and that you should just leave it be and stop bringing it up.

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If you check the posts, I did not bring up the subject of Jenee she did.
If you check the posts, I did not bring up the subject of Jenee she did.
I have really tried to refrain from telling my personal "SMOED " experience but you are so unwilling to see how your team and their coaches behave that I feel it has become necessary. Last year at Worlds I had to make a business call. Obviously there are not many quiet places at WWOS, so I walked away from the arena area to find a spot where I could have a professional conversation. I happened to walk by the team. There were some non Cali people standing around obviously trying to get a look at their favorite team but when I walked by one of the coaches started screaming at me to get out and leave them alone. It was arrogant, rude and completely unacceptable. He did not own the place he was standing in and I was simply walking by trying to find a place to make a phone call.
I am willing to bet I am not the only one these coaches have spoken to in such a way. I am an adult and if he could be so rude to me I am sure he has been worse to others. Their sense of entitlement to tell people where to go and what to do along with their social media behavior has made many people, including myself, not feel bad for any of the backlash they are receiving (with the exception of the young flyer). It is strange to me that this group seems such the opposite of the rest of their organization. I have met some wonderful people from CALI and I think Tannaz represents herself as a class act. My kids are friendly with kids from other CALI teams and have done clinics and choreography with other coaches from CALI and love them.
I understand that you have a different experience with the SMOED athletes and coaches and I can appreciate that, but others have had quite the opposite experience. They get what they give and if they learn to act more appropriately towards their community I am willing to bet they would see a big difference in how they are treated.

"You are only responsible for being honest, not for someone else's reaction to your honesty."
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Also, a lot of people have been circulating that tumblr post from a Smoed member about how disappointed they were to hear some of the things said about them. I see both sides of the issue. I know it sucked to see the some of the mean spirited comments directed towards their team. Everyone has bad days, even a 3x World Champ team. I agree with the general sentiment of the post and a lot of the points in it.

But I find some of the wording interesting. We all know Angel Rice is a beast of a tumbler/athlete in general. But when you say things like "I’m sorry but if I’m not mistaken, your hardest tumbling pass would not even touch her warm up", or "Let it open your eyes to something that the world WILL NOT even come close to touching", don't be surprised when people put you up on a pedestal. You're placing yourself there. When you outwardly express and believe that you're so much better than everyone else, don't be shocked when you become a target to be beaten. And again, I know it's just words coming from a passionate teen (much like the majority of the unsportsmanlike posts/tweets) but I'm speaking more to the attitude and mindset of our industry in general.

And on a completely unrelated note, the sport they fell in love with three years ago? I am ancient.

Just jumping off your post, I was really happy to see that certain SMOED member sticking up for herself and her team in a mature manner. I quote directly from the source "I'm just wondering why people are judging us so negatively? I'm curious. A flyer headed face first toward the mat day 1 and thats all people can talk about and retweet on twitter..." And then I see her retweet a tumbling collision with an insensitive caption that took place at NCA straight after. She only thought to un-retweet the vine once I brought the hypocrisy to her attention. I just really really really wish people think clearly about what they post, retweet or whatever else you do on social media; before the post it. UHHH I am so done with social media; I should really have a clear out of who I am following.
Are those the only states that have medaled? How many of the Texas ones are Cheer Athletics? Thats an impressive number.

I can't answer your question but for Kentucky, GymTyme, if I remember correctly, has 16 of the 19 worlds medals and 13 of the 14 gold medals. Those ratios are crazy.

The Cheerleading Worlds Wikipedia page has a breakdown of the worlds medal count. I know that Cheer Athletics has the most out of any programs. I think they have like 33 worlds medals. Also a very impressive number.
Are those the only states that have medaled? How many of the Texas ones are Cheer Athletics? Thats an impressive number.
I'm gonna say no to the first question. There's been a lot more that have medaled (New Jersey, Illinois, Maryland, South Carolina just to name a few) probably another 5-8 or so states have at least one medal

ETA: I was curious so states with medals (not in any order): Texas (63), Maryland (11), California (32), Tennessee (1), Florida (24), Georgia (25), New Jersey (18), Oklahoma (14), Indiana (2), North Carolina (22), Kentucky (19), West Virginia (1), New Hampshire (3), Arizona (3), Washington (2), Alabama (3), South Carolina (5), Wisconsin (1), Illinois (4), Nevada (2), Virginia (1), Louisiana (1), Utah (1)

Countries: China (3), Colombia (2), Canada (10), UK (2), Japan (2), Chile (1), Mexico (1), Norway (3), Thailand (3), Puerto Rico (1- not really a country though)

Some of my numbers are a little different than BlueCat's though, I just went off the Wikipedia page.
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Are those the only states that have medaled? How many of the Texas ones are Cheer Athletics? Thats an impressive number.
I'm gonna say no to the first question. There's been a lot more that have medaled (New Jersey, Illinois, Maryland, South Carolina just to name a few) probably another 5-8 or so states have at least one medal

ETA: I was curious so states with medals (not in any order): Texas (63), Maryland (11), California (32), Tennessee (1), Florida (24), Georgia (25), New Jersey (18), Oklahoma (14), Indiana (2), North Carolina (22), Kentucky (19), West Virginia (1), New Hampshire (3), Arizona (3), Washington (2), Alabama (3), South Carolina (5), Wisconsin (1), Illinois (4), Nevada (2), Virginia (1), Louisiana (1)

Countries: China (3), Colombia (2), Canada (10), UK (2), Japan (2), Chile (1), Mexico (1), Norway (3), Thailand (3), Puerto Rico (1- not really a country though)

Some of my numbers are a little different than BlueCat's though, I just went off the Wikipedia page.

I was going off of the big spreadsheet that we keep. Entirely possible my math is off.
Google Sheets - create and edit spreadsheets online, for free.

To answer your question about Texas/CA, I have Cheer Athletics (36) , SOT (18), UC(2), TX Lonestar(2), Pro Spirit(2), Woodlands(2), Austin Cheer Factory, Champion Cheer, Storm, and Extreme Cheer each with 1. That is 66. Not sure if the total number is more impressive , or having (10) different gyms with medals.

Much of Texas' high number are due to the huge population of cheer gyms in the state and high numbers sent to Worlds. Some of it I believe is due to the fact that we have to compete against incredible competition week in week out and it forces gyms to constantly adjust and fine tune their routines and coaching just to survive in this incredibly competitive market. There are often numerous competitions with more defending medalists competing than there are bids available. That is brutal.

For that matter, there are also numerous great programs in Texas who haven't yet been at the highest level at Worlds, but have fantastic lower level teams (Stars Vipers, etc.)
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Woah, I think you need to take a step back and probably calm down. You're clearly with the gym so anything I say, or anyone else says, against Cali you're going to take to heart but there's lots of evidence that suggests otherwise in how smoed deals with change. And as for Jenee and her leaving I wasn't going to go into detail because clearly it's no ones business so it would be nice if you did the same going forward. Just because you're salty doesn't mean you have to be rude about it.

This isn't about Jenee or Dylan or anyone else coming or going from smoed. It's about the team being able to handle themselves with a bit of class...which they've made it clear on numerous occasions that they can't.

Also lots of kids will keep doing something when empty threats are made. If a member was ever kicked off smoed for saying something on social media that the rest of us deemed ignorant, I'd eat my Kleenex.

Yeah, she probably is salty. You get that way after hearing people who are "salty" against your gym go on and on and never relent until you have to finally speak up.

The things she wrote are facts a lot of people already knew. And I've written here several times that Jenee leaving had not so much to do with her but the adults in her life, which is very sad. You won't find one parent at Cali that doesn't still love that kid to this day. Just a quality person.

Social media has gotten out of hand across the board. No gym is totally innocent because you have teenagers as your customers who sometimes put stupid stuff out there. Cali has done a lot to talk to the kids about social media. They hear about it all the time! And for you to say kids don't get talked to about it, well, clearly you're not here so how can you say that? I'm not saying our gym is perfect because no gym is.

And to lump all of one team together as "classless" because a couple of them either say something stupid on Twitter or they try to defend something or someone, well, that's what I find is ridiculous. And that goes for any team, not just smoed.
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Just jumping off your post, I was really happy to see that certain SMOED member sticking up for herself and her team in a mature manner. I quote directly from the source "I'm just wondering why people are judging us so negatively? I'm curious. A flyer headed face first toward the mat day 1 and thats all people can talk about and retweet on twitter..." And then I see her retweet a tumbling collision with an insensitive caption that took place at NCA straight after. She only thought to un-retweet the vine once I brought the hypocrisy to her attention. I just really really really wish people think clearly about what they post, retweet or whatever else you do on social media; before the post it. UHHH I am so done with social media; I should really have a clear out of who I am following.

:banghead: Kids are so stupid sometimes. As the parent of two teenagers, I sometimes wonder what goes on in their brains! <sigh>
I take exception to a good deal of what you say. The fact that you know Jenee and her Mom but not the individuals you're blaming says everything. I know Jenee and her Mom as well. I also know the others involved when Jenee left. I know how without warning she left the team days before NCA. I know how she then made and posted a video making a joke of it while at NCA. I know how Cali could have prevented her from cheering that year by not releasing her but they didn't. Not many gyms would be that charitable given that she was willing to compromise everything the team had been working so hard for. I know how she up and quit the team while at a comp. just weeks prior out of the blue and then wanted to return. They allowed her to return. I know how she claimed they were her family before up and quitting once again. Then came her final departure. I also know Jenee's departure had nothing to do with the team or with her. It had everything to do with someone else. I'm not condoning or defending what was said on social media on either side of the debate. I am saying both sides could have handled it better and will hopefully do so in the future. I also am saying that you need all the facts before you start finger wagging.

I stated that they were upset about their performance. I also stated that they were NOT upset about criticism of their team's performance. They were upset over the personal attack on their teammates.

In response to your remark about no sanctions by the gym when an athlete misbehaves, you could not be more wrong. They take that very seriously. I know of numerous instances where the athlete was given a warning and threatened with expulsion from the gym.

Just curious. What's your excuse for Dylan being privately messaged that he was a faggot for leaving? Genuinely curious the justification on that one.
I've said it before but I would assume they do get talked to about social media.

Two years ago after NCA one of their small s3 and large j4 kids (one on each team) decided they wanted to post that vipers weren't even good how did we win NCA lol. I forwarded it to the owner and she promptly took care of it. Apologized to me and followed up with me as well as the girls apologized.

I think it seems like a trend with Cali athletes maybe just because of the large number of gyms and millions of kids (exaggerating)

As well as you all saw what I posted about this weekend also from a Cali athlete. I didn't send that to the owner but it was definitely addressed and taken down. No matter who told the girl to take it down I feel like they do try to do the right thing. It didn't even specifically say Vipers in it although we know what division she came out of but I still applaud her and who ever told her to take it down for doing the right thing.

I'm not making excuses for them because they aren't the only gym doing it but I think especially with their non worlds teams my guess would be they aren't use to losing. They consistently all place very well at NCA as well even in years past like I don't really want Cali to be in our division when I see the team listing. And when they lose to a no name gym after you haven't lost all season it's probably harder to understand as well as it being a huge competition like NCA the loss is probably more emotional and provoking. Not saying it's ok, and not saying it's right or that's how they all think but putting myself in their shoes I could understand it. I do think they have taken steps in the right direction and I always remember how the one incident I forwarded to them was taken care of so I would try to cut them some slack. It's getting better! I'm appalled at some of the things said to those kids after leaving but there is another side to the story that we don't know no matter how well you know the families of those kids.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Oh stop. No one is trying to justify bad behavior from anyone.

Isn't she though? I read her first comment (and didn't comment) and then her second; and she alluded if people knew both stories it may change their minds on what was or wasn't justified on the SMOED side. While I think Jenee got the short end of the stick in terms of adults in her life being at odds, the fact that Dylan got brought into it is an entirely different story. No matter what happened, no matter what was said---nothing SMOED said to him or about him was justified when he did not, and still continues to not, say a thing about them on social media. I don't care if he screamed and cursed them out while flipping the bird on the way to the airport (we know he didn't, of course) it doesn't justify the social media response, period.

My heart hurts for what happened to J (not Jenee, the other one) after falling at NCA because not only did she get hurt but she got slammed and that sucks. And I'm not justifying the actions of anyone who was vicious towards her or AR for their performance, I just hope that the kids who have taken to social media take this as reflective for things they continue to do online.
Isn't she though? I read her first comment (and didn't comment) and then her second; and she alluded if people knew both stories it may change their minds on what was or wasn't justified on the SMOED side. While I think Jenee got the short end of the stick in terms of adults in her life being at odds, the fact that Dylan got brought into it is an entirely different story. No matter what happened, no matter what was said---nothing SMOED said to him or about him was justified when he did not, and still continues to not, say a thing about them on social media. I don't care if he screamed and cursed them out while flipping the bird on the way to the airport (we know he didn't, of course) it doesn't justify the social media response, period.

My heart hurts for what happened to J (not Jenee, the other one) after falling at NCA because not only did she get hurt but she got slammed and that sucks. And I'm not justifying the actions of anyone who was vicious towards her or AR for their performance, I just hope that the kids who have taken to social media take this as reflective for things they continue to do online.

No, she's not.
You have a very clear slant against Cali and more specifically smoed. Not sure why but it really doesn't matter. You and the people who shimmy everything you say negatively against my gym don't hold a lot of credibility with me. Doesn't make me right, doesn't make you right. But I'm more inclined to listen to an argument made by someone who doesn't show their bent so much. Just my nature, I guess.
No, she's not.
You have a very clear slant against Cali and more specifically smoed. Not sure why but it really doesn't matter. You and the people who shimmy everything you say negatively against my gym don't hold a lot of credibility with me. Doesn't make me right, doesn't make you right. But I'm more inclined to listen to an argument made by someone who doesn't show their bent so much. Just my nature, I guess.

Disliking some of the actions by athletes on the SMOED team from the end of last season and this season and the actions of two Cali coaches doesn't make me have a slant against your entire gym. Or your gym's entire brand. Though I can understand why it may seem that way.

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