I'd love to help you out with that. Do you have access to all the pdf scores since they weren't made public this year?
They were freely available to every coach at NCA, but not the general public. I would be willing to share them with people who are helping, but I don't feel comfortable making then purely public because NCA didn't. Regardless of whether I agree with their stance on that, I generally want to respect their decision.
The PDFs show the scoring breakdowns, total amount of deductions, and the category averages. Before anyone volunteers, please note that there are probably 50ish data points for each team at NCA, so we are talking about a huge amount of information.
In theory, NCA could just send a spreadsheet/data file with all of this info already in it. Depending on their setup, it could take them as little as a couple of minutes to generate it. My guess is that they won't for fear of giving the appearance of showing favoritism. In fairness to them, it wouldn't REALLY be favoritism, as it was info made available to every coach, but some people would (unreasonably) be upset about it.
Things I would want to research:
Correlation between random-ish day 1 performance order and scores.
Relationship between division size and score variance.
Relationship between outlier teams (good or bad) and the following teams' score.
Effect of judges breaks on scoring.
I have my personal theory about some of those things, but it would be nice to either confirm or refute those based on actual data. There are also a few things I would want to look at to help our teams strategically.