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Sep 11, 2014
After many years, my daughters high school cheer coach is quitting. There is a mom going around stating that she is going to be the new cheer coach and a long list of changes she wants to change immediately. Here are a few of my issues....I feel that she is wanting to make these changes because her daughter is not qualified for varsity and will be in high school next year. Also, my daughter will be a senior next year, currently a junior, and has only known one cheer sponsor and her rules. I feel that if they want to make extreme changes that they wait until the 2016-2017 school year. I know I am being a little vague but don't want to put too many details out there. Should I say or do anything, voice my opinion, etc?
Does the coach answer to the AD? If so, let it be between them.

Honestly, unless safety is a concern I'd stay out of it. Waiting 2 seasons to make changes seems to be an unreasonable expectation, especially since she'll have this whole school year to iron out the details and let everyone know about the change in expectations. The fact that your daughter has never had to deal with change really shouldn't come into play.
Is it possible that the changes overall are better for the program and not just selfishly for her own child?

ETA: Assuming what she (the other mom) is saying is even true.
A new sponsor is going to make changes. There are always going to be Seniors who will have to adapt to the changes. It happens in schools all over the country every year.

Unless there rules put in place by the school, athletic department, or athletic director, there probably isn't much you can do. I know at our area schools that teachers and school employees gets first dibs at coaching type positions. I would try to find someone else to take over the program.
My daughter is correctly a junior. Including her there are 3 total juniors and 3 freshman, that could potentially be affected by these changes. So, there will not be any seniors during the 2016-2017 school year. Currently the Cheer Sponsor/Coach does not directly report to the AD. The individual who is wanting to make all the changes does not currently work for the school district. She would not even consider working for the school district unless she could be the new sponsor/coach and, as I mentioned above, she only wants to be the sponsor/coach because her daughter will be a freshman next year. She is wanting to be the Varsity, JV and Freshman cheer sponsor. Our community and school system is not very big, we only have one high school in our school district.
Speaking from the perspective of someone going through changes in her senior year, it's not that bad. It's actually kind of fun to feel like you get to help turn a new leaf and such. At times, it sucks, for example more money for new stuff that you'll only use for a few months, not getting a senior basket because people complained about money so much, not getting the same privileges and special treatment other seniors got. It absolutely sucks that you're the group that has to go through that after seeing something else (in my case seniors running the place and being favored) the last three years... But I'm also super excited to see where our new coach takes our team even after I've graduated. Having a perfect senior year isn't realistic for anyone, so just make the best of whatever happens! Don't sweat the small stuff.
I know it's not the same exact situation, but it will be a learning experience for her. You really have No control in the situation and no real idea of what it will be like and if this mom will even really be the coach, so you might as well sit back and let things happen the way they'll happen. If it goes well, she could get an awesome new coach, if not, well she'll learn that just because you're a senior or whatever special position, doesn't mean everything will be perfect, but sometimes you just have to make the best of a tough situation!
After many years, my daughters high school cheer coach is quitting. There is a mom going around stating that she is going to be the new cheer coach and a long list of changes she wants to change immediately.

Are you even sure this Mom will get the position? In our area you have to be a certified teacher employed by the district to even be considered to sponsor the cheerleaders.
Are you even sure this Mom will get the position? In our area you have to be a certified teacher employed by the district to even be considered to sponsor the cheerleaders.

I am not sure. Right now the other cheer moms and I are only going off of what she is telling people, which several people I heard this from was told directly from her. That is why I wanted some opinions and advice on the matter. From my understanding, she has told several administrators that she will apply for a position with the district so she could then become the sponsor. All in all, I'm just a concerned parent who wants my daughter to enjoy her last year of high school.
While I may not have done Hs cheer, I did do other related sports in Hs. Every year until my senior year, we had new coaches each season. Some were good and some were bad.

But the one we had my senior year, was the best. She turned our 2-3rd place guard into an undefeated team until our last competition. She really did do good things for the program.

We ways had 6-11 guard members. This year, I'm told we have a mind blowing 17 girls for the first time in school history since the late 1990's.

What I'm saying is, this change may be better for the team. Have you ever thought that this parent really cares about the teams well being and not just her daughter on varsity?. If you really feel the need to speak with someone, it needs to be the Athletic director and him/her only.

What you don't want to do is communicate to other parents and then another parent goes back and switch things up to the parent who wants to be coach. I say just give a shot.

If needed, speak with the AD to see what type if changes she wants to make and if it's legal in the cheer industry. I can say a lot about this stuff because I've been through it with guard. I know it's a different thing from cheer, but it's a similar story you and I both have. So just thought I would throw in my two cents.
I am not sure. Right now the other cheer moms and I are only going off of what she is telling people, which several people I heard this from was told directly from her. That is why I wanted some opinions and advice on the matter. From my understanding, she has told several administrators that she will apply for a position with the district so she could then become the sponsor. All in all, I'm just a concerned parent who wants my daughter to enjoy her last year of high school.

Honestly, the posters are giving good advice. Life is full of changes. Both kids & adults have to learn to adapt and make the best of different situations. With that said, maybe you can talk the current sponsor into staying one more year. It can't hurt to try!
Thank you all so very much for your advice and suggestions. I am a "newbie" to this board and am truly glad I shared my situation. You all have helped me see it in a more positive way. :)
I'm glad that you took the advice the way it was meant to be seen. So often when advice is given not wrapped in puppies and rainbows, "newbies" pull the you're so mean and rude card. An outsider's perspective can be harsh but it's often pretty accurate. Good luck to your daughter and the team! I'm sure it will work out fine.
Don't jump the gun on anything. A coach hasn't been officially appointed yet & chances are the school will not want to hire outside current certified teachers if they do not have to. There is still A LOT of time between then and now. Just because this mom is telling rumors, does not mean that they will come true. Change is going to happen with any new coach (some good changes , some bad), but don't worry too much until it is closer to tryouts.
If anything, have a group of those concerned talk with the AD about supporting a new coach that is safety certified, has experience coaching, does not have conflict of interest with children in the program, etc. (assuming this woman does not have prior coach experience, etc.).
While I may not have done Hs cheer, I did do other related sports in Hs. Every year until my senior year, we had new coaches each season. Some were good and some were bad.

But the one we had my senior year, was the best. She turned our 2-3rd place guard into an undefeated team until our last competition. She really did do good things for the program.

We ways had 6-11 guard members. This year, I'm told we have a mind blowing 17 girls for the first time in school history since the late 1990's.

What I'm saying is, this change may be better for the team. Have you ever thought that this parent really cares about the teams well being and not just her daughter on varsity?. If you really feel the need to speak with someone, it needs to be the Athletic director and him/her only.

What you don't want to do is communicate to other parents and then another parent goes back and switch things up to the parent who wants to be coach. I say just give a shot.

If needed, speak with the AD to see what type if changes she wants to make and if it's legal in the cheer industry. I can say a lot about this stuff because I've been through it with guard. I know it's a different thing from cheer, but it's a similar story you and I both have. So just thought I would throw in my two cents.
Thumbs up for the improvement in the manner that you posted this time around @Fierce_Elite
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