And I wouldn't really classify that as a "lie". She could have been inferring that Courtney had never done THIS type of cheer a day in her life. There is a far cry between power tumbling + cheer and "rah rah sis boom bah" cheer. Also "cheering all 4 years of high school" would constitute as AFTER 9th grade which is after Betsy said she had never cheered before.
Omfg seriously?! Did you even READ what I posted or did you just see CSP and lie in the same paragraph and jumped my a**?! :rolleyes: I'm guessing not since here's the actual post to which you're referencing.
"When I moved here in the middle of my 8th grade year, she not only was a cheerleader for our middle school, but she also cheered all 4 years in HS, both Football and Basketball. Also fairly certain she was the Captain all but once (senior year football). We had two different squads/teams for bb and football; separate tryouts, etc.
Now I didn't go to that school in 6th and 7th grade, but I'm pretty certain she was on the team those years too, according to friends' yearbooks."
*Also, just putting it out there- who really had at that point?! She certainly knew about it (Allstar) bc of Greensboro Allstars. A majority of the cheerleaders on the squad in the 8th grade were invited to and did join GAS within that year.
The reason for the snark is because it VERY apparent you are not a fan of CEA or Courtney regardless of your username. You constantly backhand the program while at the same time professing your undying love for it. It's confusing...
For starters, I do not profess my undying love for CEA on this board and haven't hardly posted within the past year (almost 2 I believe, but I did post in the parent section a for a bit a couple of years ago). Also,
@Cheer Dad didn't indicate that was the reason for the "snark", unless you're speaking for him (which I doubt since he already replied to me).
Additonally, where is written that I can't be a fan of CEA
IN GENERAL; you know, as in their hardworking ATHLETES just as one example (or heck ANY program for that matter) if I don't love the owners/coaches, etc.?!! Please explain that one for me. And as far as "constantly" backhanding the program, you should quit while you're ahead. You must have missed this part too...
"We went to a pretty small school, less than 200 people in our graduating class. That's why I said I wasn't sure why lie about something that insignificant,
when she really did coach her sister on a competitive team and apparently took them to competitions? I remember Kelly being at practice a few times and she was so little (her and my brother are the same age/class) and we'd be playing around w/her, stunting w/her even, etc. and I thought it was cute.
I didn't know she was coaching and competiting a team. She was a really good student and already had a lot on her plate, so I was suprised bc that's certainly impressive. So I'm confused as to why she would say that, knowing it wasn't true-
and it's not like it would deflate and/or negate her achievements doing that so young."
Trust me, if I really wanted to "backhand" the program I could. There's just no need for it bc believe it or not, that's not the main reason I come to this forum. :eek: *Gasp*
Believe it or not, Allstar is pretty freaking amazing and there are some GREAT teams on ALL levels at a wide variety of gyms, not just CEA. But there are some pretty freaking amazing teams at that gym :chillpill:
If there are times I have an opinion/thought (or in this case facts) that isn't the result of being completely drunk w/teal koolaid I get attacked. I'm fine w/that, but that just makes you look like you're the one being petty IMO. Especially since I actually did compliment her in my post more than once.