The ONLY logic/reasoning I see behind this rule is because no-name allstars from a remote land far far away doesn't have the training & coaching to safely execute a twisting basket - and don't pretend you don't know what I am talking about. We have all seen some janky a** basket tosses that are barely caught by the flyers limbs as her head comes inches from the mat at worlds. It happens.
The IASF (& USASF) are not dealing with the problem, instead they are trying to band-aid solution. The problem doesn't lie in the difficulty of these skills and international teams ability to safely execute them. The problem lies in no official level registration. Craptastic allstars volunteer cheer mom/ coach can chose to register her precious snowflakes team in what ever division she chooses. She can choreograph a routine where the athletes are put at risk to compete skills they are not ready to perform. Go to a small bid competition, win an at large, and compete their unsafe & terrifying-to-watch basket toss at the world championships - while the rest of the crowd sits there and questions how that team got a bid in the first place.
It has been talked about before - and I think it should be seriously considered by the governing bodies of cheerleading. LEVEL REGISTRATION. Like gymnastics - athletes need to level-up/ score out in order to compete the next level up. Now, I understand that there are a lot more nuances to consider in implementing a system like this in cheerleading as opposed to gymnastics, given the team-structure of the sport, but something needs to be implemented.
This rule is not keeping international athletes safe, it is encouraging coaches to allow athletes to compete in a division they are not ready to compete in. It is penalizing true level 5/6 athletes and teams that have trained hard to reach that level.
If you ask me - it was a decision based on money. The IASF realizes that there are athletes at the world championships whom should not be competing the skills they're competing. But if IASF were to crack-down and ensure only level appropriate athletes & teams are competing - many teams would not qualify in the first place.
Less teams qualifying = less registration
Less registration = Less entrance fees paid (decrease in consumption of vendors/hotels/etc.....)
Less entrance fees paid = less profit for the governing bodies
So to compromise the IASF did what they had to do to try and keep competing athletes safe while ensuring they don't lose $$$ off their bottom line.