Ok--so I have shared ideas with Many top gym owners in the country.....tell me what you think of this. I think there should be a USASF sanctioned State Championship in every state----Not put on by these individual companies but the governing body of our sport . If you are a USASF gym you should be REQUIRED to compete (like a High School state event but for All star) and then the "All Levels" championship should be replaced with the winners of each division in each state competing either regionally like all levels is now or the video online grand championships to pick a over all best in each division). You can choose to compete in all the big nationals you wish but the States are required. This would give more prestige to competing locally and give the teams, gyms, or kids who cant afford to travel to a big nationals, etc a pinnacle event and motivate them to get amped up for a local event.-------Personally my gym has between 1000-1500 kids in it taking CHEER or School team classes and only 130 do all stars. ( I can promise you I have never had a kid or parent say they weren't doing all stars because of crop tops but I have had several hundred each year say they just can't afford it.....due to Uniform $300, Comp fees $65-$165 each, Hotel costs $160 a night, Gas (I wont go there), Shoes $70, choreography fees $100-$200 per kid, music fees $50 per kid, etc.) So lets start to promote All Star Cheerleading locally and make it "COOL" to compete locally in every state and have a high pressure---title on the line in each division-- event in each state and give some recognition to local cheerleading. This would boost participation. Thoughts?????