We're dabbling with the idea of "cheer class" for our gym. Cheer isn't very well known down here, so we're trying to design it as a way to get kids in the door without commitment, charge a little more than you'd pay for the equivalent time spent in the gym as an allstar but without the cool uniform and going to compete. The idea is you come in, do some warmups and bonding games, then basic tumbling, learn some motions, dance and jumps, basic stunts and it takes an hour and a half of your Saturday morning. All youth/junior level 1, maybe level 2, which is the bread and butter of our gym anyway. It's easy for cheer class kids to see how their Saturday class can turn into a something more competitive with a bit more commitment, and if the commitment isn't there on the team you have ready-made kids to step up and take their place. Kinda works as a motivator for your allstars to work a bit harder to be better than the class kids. Also the more heads you get through the door the more possibility they'll want to come to more classes to improve tumbling, or commit to a full year team the following season.
The other big benefit is getting parents used to the idea of cheerleading divorced from all the stereotypes. Having a kid do a term of cheer class will hopefully do wonders in breaking down negative perceptions. The idea is still in planning stages, so if anyone has any suggestions or thinks it's a terrible idea, please share!