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I'm really torn right now, because I really messed up my ankle, and it hurts to walk, and so I told my coach I didn't wanna do my jumps to tuck at the competition this weekend, and he basically told me I'd be out of the jump sequence for Worlds if I don't do it... I JUST got moved to center jumper, and I'm really stoked about it, but if I don't do it this weekend I'm out and it's all because I don't wanna risk further injury...
I'm really torn right now, because I really messed up my ankle, and it hurts to walk, and so I told my coach I didn't wanna do my jumps to tuck at the competition this weekend, and he basically told me I'd be out of the jump sequence for Worlds if I don't do it... I JUST got moved to center jumper, and I'm really stoked about it, but if I don't do it this weekend I'm out and it's all because I don't wanna risk further injury...
That's unfair on your coach's part. I think you should let it heal and then be able to keep your spot.

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Alexx take a break for awhile. maybe you can make some hot chocolate drink and just sit on chair and enjoy it. that always help me to be calm whenever i got frustrated with my job.
i send you this pic to keep your spirit up. you can do it. don't give up :)
All day I've been getting tapatalk alerts for things that've already happened. Either I get the push notification late, or I get he same one over and over again for hours on end. It's bothering me...
Thank goodness! I thought it was just me!! ;)
Oh no, and it's getting to be REAL annoying at this point. Like, it's to the point I don't even want to check half the time because I think it's one I already saw. It's almost like when I'm talking to someone and one if the kids just sits there calling my name over and over again when I'm clearly busy... Over it.
Oh no, and it's getting to be REAL annoying at this point. Like, it's to the point I don't even want to check half the time because I think it's one I already saw. It's almost like when I'm talking to someone and one if the kids just sits there calling my name over and over again when I'm clearly busy... Over it.
Hahahaha! I was out earlier and my phone notification kept going off - to the point that someone said "don't u need to take care of that??" Ugh! Needless to say its been on vibrate since then....
On the bright side: I was really upset to lose my base and flyer for the Double based stunt in my routine. We were the only consistently hitting one and were just beastin' it on center the whole time. they both had to quit for personal reasons.
Now I have a new flyer and base and its actually working well. We had to take the rewind, stretch out for this comp just for the sake of cleanliness and hitting, but we still have our level 6 transitions and what not so it's fine I suppose. I'm just glad I have a stunt group again. Practices were getting boring only brig able to Tumble.
And pyramid isn't as deathly as I though in the beginning either.
I still have to finish teaching/choreographing the dance for everyone which has been hard since we've not had everyone there at once this week. And I was... Sick yesterday.
Guess we'll see how this weekend goes! Hahah I'm just excited to perform with cheer again. I missed it!!
I've only performed with dance this season so far.
BUT the bad thig about this weekend is that they have junior/senior 2 and international team in warm-ups at the same time. I haven't seen when my senior two performs but I just know right now that that's gonna suck for me. Lol.

I have to dance at, like, 9. Then warm-up/perform/coach at the same time at 11:30
Sorry for like 6 posts on one page but I FINALLY made it to 85.15%. It only took me like 6 hours off and on today.
You poor thing! My teacher has the same thing where we need an 85% to move on. What math are you in?
Ahhh. I perform with dance at 9:08, warm-up my senior 2 at around 10:55-11:30. I'm assuming closer to 11:30 ([idk they just show report time and performance time]they perform at 11:40) and I have I go to warm ups for level 6 at 11:31
Now it may not be an issue... No it'll be an issue; one of my other coaches works Saturdays so she won't be there and I'm unsure if the other coach will be in attendance at all. So I NEED to be there. I don't want to have another coach warm the kids up and have them in a panic the whole time.
Besides even when the other coaches are there I'm the one that leads warm-ups sooo.....
I guess I'm more worried about the kids reaction, but maybe I'm underestimating them?
I just don't want to be stressed worried about them AND myself at the same time. I mean, I'm already a TINY bit worried about my cheer routine as it is... Blah!
Ahhh. I perform with dance at 9:08, warm-up my senior 2 at around 10:55-11:30. I'm assuming closer to 11:30 ([idk they just show report time and performance time]they perform at 11:40) and I have I go to warm ups for level 6 at 11:31
Now it may not be an issue... No it'll be an issue; one of my other coaches works Saturdays so she won't be there and I'm unsure if the other coach will be in attendance at all. So I NEED to be there. I don't want to have another coach warm the kids up and have them in a panic the whole time.
Besides even when the other coaches are there I'm the one that leads warm-ups sooo.....
I guess I'm more worried about the kids reaction, but maybe I'm underestimating them?
I just don't want to be stressed worried about them AND myself at the same time. I mean, I'm already a TINY bit worried about my cheer routine as it is... Blah!
I'm assuming this is a preliminary performance order and you could most likely get things shifted around or at least try!
Parents, health freaks, or just science nerds... I need your help! I'm taking a class called Germs 101 where we basically just talk about different diseases and microorganisms that impact daily life. It's a really easy class and I have a 100 but they offer extra credit so obviously I feel the need to take advantage of it. We have a class facebook page where students just post articles or other links about related topics. For example: one is about how the flu shot is linked to healthier pregnancies. I don't really know where to start looking for these articles so if you come across any please let me know! It doesn't have to be anything too fancy. Just informational and even slightly humorous enough to give me a little extra credit. Thanks y'all!

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