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This week has been... ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I went to get my car fixed monday. It was a pretty penny..... a VEEERRRYYY pretty penny. It ran fine until Wednesday afternoon, and it started acting up again. Wednesday is my looong day (I have classes 9:10 until 3:3o and then I work 4-8), so I couldn't take it until today. Took it today and it showed some really bad codes having to do with my engine. The guy said he was going to a pull apart place or something like that today about an hour away to get a transmission and an engine for two other cars, that he would call me by 1:00 and let me know if the place had the parts that I needed so it would be alot cheaper for him to fix it, and he also said he wouldn't charge me labor because I've been here 3 times in the last week and a half. So, 1:00 passes.... no call. I finally called him at 2:30- voicemail full, no answer. 3:30-same. 5:00... same. 6:30... same. I'm just frustrated because I have to go back home tomorrow, I'm not sure if my car will make it, and he said he would let me know. I guess I'll just call in the morning.... I literally just need a new car where something major isn't going wrong every other month.
I moved! Sold the gym, had the little princess, and high tailed it back to Californ-I-A. We are here and my little family couldn't be doing better. :) There's my mini life update for being MIA for so long... Haha

Ok I see the problem. Stupid Facebook isn't showing any of your stuff in my news feed! I went to your page and it's full of useful info. Sigh... Thanks, Facebook - Not only do I not know where people live, I almost missed seeing the baby in her jeans! (OMG so cute!)
Ok I see the problem. Stupid Facebook isn't showing any of your stuff in my news feed! I went to your page and it's full of useful info. Sigh... Thanks, Facebook - Not only do I not know where people live, I almost missed seeing the baby in her jeans! (OMG so cute!)

Just wait til I break out her competition day outfits... Shopping for babies is a whole new level of fun! Especially shoes-baby shoes are going to be the death of me.
I still haven't gone to sleep yet because nerves. Tomorrow is the homecoming pep rally, where I'll find out in front of my entire town of 3,000 whether or not I'm homecoming queen. I think I might throw up...
I still haven't gone to sleep yet because nerves. Tomorrow is the homecoming pep rally, where I'll find out in front of my entire town of 3,000 whether or not I'm homecoming queen. I think I might throw up...
No one would believe this heck I didn't even believe it when it happened ... But I was nominated in high school lmao.
Anyways I was shocked to be nominated so I didn't think I would win until every person I knew said they were voting for me Blah blah blah (keep in mind I already had my kid lol) so by the end of the week I started feeling like I might win because everyone filled my head up with that.... But I didn't. That was like the worst day ever and I'm still crying over it at home and my mom was like your stupid I knew you weren't going to win why are you acting surprised.

I was like gee thanks mom way to be supportive but I promise you it only sucked like for a day then I was over it.
Although, I kind of wonder if it was a sick joke like someone planned to get me nominated?! Lol I had a lot of friends but not great friends and I wasn't popular at all:/

Sooo good luck we all hope you win but if not it will be ok but I'm sure you will be great anyways!!!!:)

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I am so heated right now.
It's been a tradition at my school for the varsity cheer team to go out and decorate the houses of the senior football players the night before our big rivalry game. Well last year the rival cheer team went out at 4am and went to our quarterback's house, took down all of our decorations, tp'd his house, put up a huge banner, and littered his yard with paper plates in their school colors. We knew it was the cheer team because they bragged about it, and when our coach tried to talk to their coach about she said there wasn't anything wrong with it because we did it too. Uh, no. We didn't.
Anyway fast forward to this year and one of the cheerleaders posts a "tbt" with a bunch of pictures of what they did to his house, including a cute little team picture that they took in front of it. She ended up deleting it but I took some screenshots and sent them to my mom since she works with her dad.
I know I'm technically an alumni and I shouldn't worry myself with these things anymore but the sports here are so awful I can't help myself...
Ugh. I have a stye on my upper eye lid and the entire thing is swollen and so painful. I have my SoMo concert tomorrow and I'll be dammed if I show up looking like a creature out of The Hills Have Eyes.

I've tried hot compresses, ibuprofen but it only helps temporarily. Anyone have any immediate remedies for astye? It's actually extremely painful and it's causing really bad headaches.
No one would believe this heck I didn't even believe it when it happened ... But I was nominated in high school lmao.
Anyways I was shocked to be nominated so I didn't think I would win until every person I knew said they were voting for me Blah blah blah (keep in mind I already had my kid lol) so by the end of the week I started feeling like I might win because everyone filled my head up with that.... But I didn't. That was like the worst day ever and I'm still crying over it at home and my mom was like your stupid I knew you weren't going to win why are you acting surprised.

I was like gee thanks mom way to be supportive but I promise you it only sucked like for a day then I was over it.
Although, I kind of wonder if it was a sick joke like someone planned to get me nominated?! Lol I had a lot of friends but not great friends and I wasn't popular at all:/

Sooo good luck we all hope you win but if not it will be ok but I'm sure you will be great anyways!!!!:)

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That is so sad! But it really makes me feel better. (I mean, you didn't win and still ended up with a beautiful, talented daughter and an awesome front punch soo I'll probably live :D .) I was surprised to be on court too, but bc my class is a party class and I'm the only senior maid that doesn't get wasted every weekend. (Read: Nothing wrong with partying, but don't be sloppy.) And I also thought people decided they wanted to set me up to see me publicly lose something because I never have. (I've won a lot, between school pageants and presidencies and such.) But here's the breakdown of the maids and their accomplishments:
Maid 1: avid partier who never really acknowledges anyone except her small group of equally wild friends; always posts snapchat stories of her weekend escapades without even trying to hide the fact that she's breaking multiple laws. (Also is rumored to have been arrested this past weekend for underage drinking, but we won't know for sure until all the arrest reports are published Monday) But hey, she's really pretty, so it's cool, right?
Maid 2: has always been sweet to me, but is actually very rude to the majority of the class. Doesn't participate in class stuff but I understand bc she works. Also lives to "turn up", and asks everyone if they're doing so that weekend every. Single. Friday. If I lose though, I'd rather her win.
Me: student body president, cheerleader for 3 years and have still been to almost every football game this year, NHS president and organizer of every service project we've done, has been to and headed every class decorating function since, well, ever, and I go out of my way to be nice to everyone because I think if everyone did that, we'd have a better world. Also, I don't party on the weekends because chances are I'm doing something for the competitive team I help coach, or the upward team I'll be helping coach this year. (Or making bows at exactly the cost of the supplies for middle school teams that can't afford cute bows. Okay, I've actually only done that twice and got community service points for one, but still.) Which reminds me, I can't wait to post a picture of the most recent bows I made for an elementary school team but it'll probably be after today! I'm so proud of them!
@HeresAThought I saw your post in the music thread and thought you might like this routine. A high school from Maine did a Michael Jackson theme a few years ago. The routine starts at 1:09

Lewiston cheer 2011:
I am so heated right now.
It's been a tradition at my school for the varsity cheer team to go out and decorate the houses of the senior football players the night before our big rivalry game. Well last year the rival cheer team went out at 4am and went to our quarterback's house, took down all of our decorations, tp'd his house, put up a huge banner, and littered his yard with paper plates in their school colors. We knew it was the cheer team because they bragged about it, and when our coach tried to talk to their coach about she said there wasn't anything wrong with it because we did it too. Uh, no. We didn't.
Anyway fast forward to this year and one of the cheerleaders posts a "tbt" with a bunch of pictures of what they did to his house, including a cute little team picture that they took in front of it. She ended up deleting it but I took some screenshots and sent them to my mom since she works with her dad.
I know I'm technically an alumni and I shouldn't worry myself with these things anymore but the sports here are so awful I can't help myself...
I didn't "like" this because they're being stupid, I liked it because you were able to screenshot and hopefully show her dad! Just clarifying. I hope they finally get in trouble; it's one thing to actually do it, it's another thing to brag about it.
I'm coaching my first playoff game today for field hockey and I can't sit still/focus at work. Too anxious, excited, pumped, etc. This program hasn't been to playoffs in 15 years and this is the first year with a winning record, and we're 4th! It's been a crazy amazing season but holy crap, coaching a team in playoffs is a totally different experience than how I felt when I was playing many moons ago. This is like a whole other level. I love it.