OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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What are you otherwise? They did this to me too, I still identify as a Ravenclaw except on there.

Slytherin on Pottermore. I thought I was a Ravenclaw pre-Pottermore, but then I read the welcome letter to Slytherin and realized that I was one of those.
Slytherin on Pottermore. I thought I was a Ravenclaw pre-Pottermore, but then I read the welcome letter to Slytherin and realized that I was one of those.

Pottermore's welcome letter for Ravenclaw helped me realize that is where I belong too. :)
Thank you :) By the time I use it I wont be more than 4 years out but I guess it wouldn't hurt to get rid of it.

I think I kept my GPA on when I was just hunting (almost 6 years out) but I moved my education to the bottom. Didn't have any dean's list awards listed, but I kept magna cum laude. GPA doesn't really take up extra space so you can keep it if you want, but it doesn't matter if it's not there either.
I think I kept my GPA on when I was just hunting (almost 6 years out) but I moved my education to the bottom. Didn't have any dean's list awards listed, but I kept magna cum laude. GPA doesn't really take up extra space so you can keep it if you want, but it doesn't matter if it's not there either.
I've always been told to keep your education up top until your experience outweighs it, so that was probably a smart move. It probably "officially" outweighs it once you've been working in that related field longer than the period of time you were in school. And I never included my GPA because it was around a 3.0. I was also told not to include it unless it was over a 3.5 lol