OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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I've always been told to keep your education up top until your experience outweighs it, so that was probably a smart move. It probably "officially" outweighs it once you've been working in that related field longer than the period of time you were in school. And I never included my GPA because it was around a 3.0. I was also told not to include it unless it was over a 3.5 lol

That makes sense. I would say after your first job in your field, move it. Of course if you're looking for a new job after a year or you got your master's while at your job then you probably want to keep it.

My second job was just under 2 years after I graduated and I think I still kept it at the top because I would still be considered junior.
I just joined too and I've also been put in Hufflepuff! :) My username is Accioelle.
Ayyyy Hufflepuffs! I'll add you once I get back to my computer.

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No :( not in the time frame I've left myself lol

Not even by using a nail or chisel and hammering a hole into it? I feel like that'd be quick to do if you had the tools. The only other thing I can think of is glueing it onto the shirt. Not sure what you would use, though any hardware store could probably point you in the right direction as far as adhesive goes.
Alright, I've searched all over Google and I can't figure out how to attach money (nickels) to a shirt for my costume tomorrow (Nickelback).
Any ideas?
How about tacky glue?

**I promise I don't eat children and I am not gross looking**
Not even by using a nail or chisel and hammering a hole into it? I feel like that'd be quick to do if you had the tools. The only other thing I can think of is glueing it onto the shirt. Not sure what you would use, though any hardware store could probably point you in the right direction as far as adhesive goes.
How about tacky glue?

**I promise I don't eat children and I am not gross looking**
I found some gorilla glue.. Fingers crossed it holds
Downside of going to school on top of a mountain:

Bears have also been known to casually stroll through campus.
Isn't that just an average day in any part of Canada?

**Tell me another fairy tale Mommy, I like it when strangers tell you how awesome I am**