OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Alright, I've searched all over Google and I can't figure out how to attach money (nickels) to a shirt for my costume tomorrow (Nickelback).
Any ideas?
gorilla glue
ETA: sorry, should have read through the thread first!
Downside of going to school on top of a mountain:

Bears have also been known to casually stroll through campus.

He probably just wants to be included in the Halloween festivities, poor lil guy :( he's got his mask on and everything.
OMG, what a day, and it's only 10:57 am!

I won tickets for a show (BRYAN ADAMS!!!!!) with a contest a popular radio station has. Since I was the first one to win, I had to record a short message for them to promote the contest.

So yeah, first take, best take. The presenter is impressed and tells me that I must have done radio before. My answer is no (I work as a sub teacher and, obviously, as a cheer coach).

It so happens that I am thinking of a career change. I don't know if you know anything about what is going on here in Quebec, but it's not pretty in education right now. I'm talking major cuts! So I almost never sub... It's a pain for my budget.

I contacted the presenter to ask for a few advice and to tell him that his comment made its way... And he told me that, as far as he can tell, I GOT IT. He encourages me to do a one-year program (and it's not really far from home!). That presenter being really experienced and well renowned... it got to my heart!

I used to play radio when I was a kid... Guess I'll have to consider making it a career!
Thanks, I changed it after watching the bbc documentary about the zoo keeper who hand raised the two tiger cubs in his house. They're so cute!!!!!
Tigers are my favorite animal
Aww they're probably trying their best. Their hands are so tiny, they can only do so much :/

I will have a pet raccoon before I die. mark my words. I grew up with my stuffed meeko (who is the one and only stuffed animal I will keep for my entire life. I loved most of the stuffing out of him, but he's perfect.) So I always wanted to be pocahontas/have a raccoon and then at the vet with my dog one day a lady came in with her two pet raccoons and OMG. I NEED THEM. She said they were like having toddlers and they once locked her out of the bathroom and just unraveled toilet paper for hours. They were also (literally) potty trained and flushed the toilet when they were finished. They're just so dang cute.
I will have a pet raccoon before I die. mark my words. I grew up with my stuffed meeko (who is the one and only stuffed animal I will keep for my entire life. I loved most of the stuffing out of him, but he's perfect.) So I always wanted to be pocahontas/have a raccoon and then at the vet with my dog one day a lady came in with her two pet raccoons and OMG. I NEED THEM. She said they were like having toddlers and they once locked her out of the bathroom and just unraveled toilet paper for hours. They were also (literally) potty trained and flushed the toilet when they were finished. They're just so dang cute.

Raccoons are wicked cute! Unless, ya know, they're sifting through garbage :p but those little faces!!!!

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