OT New Random Thread Pt. 3

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Never underestimate how far people will go for social validation. Great move, Starbucks!

1. It's really pretty lol

2. I'd never buy it. But it's still pretty

3. I really like the idea of a metal keychain used as a reusable card. I hope Starbucks somehow finds a way to make a version for us peasants because that seems really eco friendly and I could see it being a popular thing if they made them affordable.
1. It's really pretty lol

2. I'd never buy it. But it's still pretty

3. I really like the idea of a metal keychain used as a reusable card. I hope Starbucks somehow finds a way to make a version for us peasants because that seems really eco friendly and I could see it being a popular thing if they made them affordable.
I can't see that happening. Look at the Kanye West line, Uggs, Northdace, Jordans, etc. High-end products purchase by a lot of lower to middle-class people (as well as the wealthy).
random question, but im frustrated as heck at this point. Can a work place deny you taking unpaid vacation... i started this job in september and wasnt able to use my two weeks vacation till after training, i decided i was going to use it for the first two weeks of december, exactly like i did the year before at my old location. I was told today by one of my chefs that i wasnt allowed to take two weeks off at the same time, basically was told it was too many days to request off.
Now i have been working for this corporation for 5 years, and i have a REALLY hard time believing that crap, considering ive almost always have used my two weeks at the same time. i get that they arent obligated to approve it, cause i know that will be the first thing everyone will point out. But i worked hard just to earn these two weeks of vacation, and im kinda dumbfounded and pissed that this new job is giving me the run around.
If im not allowed to use it, i basically lose 85 hours of vacation at the end of the year.. i would have used it sooner but was told no back in october because we were to busy, and was told to try and use it another time.
random question, but im frustrated as heck at this point. Can a work place deny you taking unpaid vacation... i started this job in september and wasnt able to use my two weeks vacation till after training, i decided i was going to use it for the first two weeks of december, exactly like i did the year before at my old location. I was told today by one of my chefs that i wasnt allowed to take two weeks off at the same time, basically was told it was too many days to request off.
Now i have been working for this corporation for 5 years, and i have a REALLY hard time believing that crap, considering ive almost always have used my two weeks at the same time. i get that they arent obligated to approve it, cause i know that will be the first thing everyone will point out. But i worked hard just to earn these two weeks of vacation, and im kinda dumbfounded and pissed that this new job is giving me the run around.
If im not allowed to use it, i basically lose 85 hours of vacation at the end of the year.. i would have used it sooner but was told no back in october because we were to busy, and was told to try and use it another time.

Unfortunately, I think companies can make up whatever rules they want regarding PTO. My company has a rule that says you can't use PTO the day before or after a holiday unless it's signed off on, which to me is ridiculous (so basically if you want to travel for the holidays and your manager won't sign of on it, too bad so sad.)

Do you have an employee manual or handbook that outlines all of your rights and outlines the terms of your "benefits"? What does it say about PTO? All of this information should be accessible to you. If it's not, go in tomorrow and ask for it. Is the chef the top guy or the person who would approve your request? If not find out who that is and ask them.
One of my best friends moved to Maui in May. Her future brother in law lives there, and her and her fiancé went on vacation to visit and decided to move out there. Since she moved, it's been one thing after another.

First, she moved in May because there was an opening within her company so she transferred while it was open. They have a cat who they couldn't bring with them at first because of the rabies-free testing state law, so her fiancé had to wait until the cat was cleared to go (blood/lab work done and a 120 day quarantine). He just got out there about two weeks ago.

After he gets there, he was driving her car since his jeep hadn't arrived yet. He is hit by a car running a red light, totaling her car. The investigation is still going on, because the girl is changing her story, and the insurance only covered so many days of a rental, but she hasn't gotten a check to pay off and get a new car (and jeep still hasn't arrived). So they have to continue paying extra for the rental now.

Then yesterday, fiance's grandpa passed away.

They just moved across the country. Are trying to plan a wedding. Had their car totaled less than a week after finally getting them both back in the same state. And now the guys have to figure out how to last minute fly back to PA for a funeral.

Some friends and i made them a gofundme to help them. Within 12 hours we have almost the entire amount raised for two plane tickets for them and (hopefully) a little extra to throw towards a rental car. My heart is so happy with how quickly we were able to do this for them. No one should miss out on having to say goodbye to a grandparent because they couldn't afford a plane ticket. I love our group of friends and how supportive they are when one of us is in need.

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random question, but im frustrated as heck at this point. Can a work place deny you taking unpaid vacation... i started this job in september and wasnt able to use my two weeks vacation till after training, i decided i was going to use it for the first two weeks of december, exactly like i did the year before at my old location. I was told today by one of my chefs that i wasnt allowed to take two weeks off at the same time, basically was told it was too many days to request off.
Now i have been working for this corporation for 5 years, and i have a REALLY hard time believing that crap, considering ive almost always have used my two weeks at the same time. i get that they arent obligated to approve it, cause i know that will be the first thing everyone will point out. But i worked hard just to earn these two weeks of vacation, and im kinda dumbfounded and pissed that this new job is giving me the run around.
If im not allowed to use it, i basically lose 85 hours of vacation at the end of the year.. i would have used it sooner but was told no back in october because we were to busy, and was told to try and use it another time.

My company has a rule that your vacation days can't be taken all at once. I get 10 days and technically I would have to take 5 in the first half of the year and 5 in the second half. Now, I think enforcement is up to the manager, but the rule still exists, which it sounds like might be the case with you. Maybe your old managers just never enforced the rule and this one is choosing to?

Companies can definitely stop you from taking unpaid days, especially if you get paid vacation time. The only time my company would be okay with you taking an unpaid day is if you just started, it was planned before you got the job, and your vacation time hadn't kicked in.

Unfortunately, since paid time off isn't a requirement, you're pretty much at the mercy of your company and sometimes your boss.

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I'm not sure if I have previously posted about this, but if I have I do apologize - however I have yet to find out any answer. Basically, I am going to Orlando Florida next year April 14th to the 2nd of May. I have been to Orlando previously many times however I have never been to the Cheerleading World's. I really, really would like to score tickets to the championships, specifically the large coed and all-girl finals. This will be my only chance to really spectate the world championships as I am coming from England and will never be able to compete at the championships myself. Because this is such a once in a life time opportunity as it is for many, I was just wondering if there is any way that I can get tickets before and not on that actual day. If not, how do you get tickets on the day? I literally have no idea how it works so any insight with be very helpful. :)
I'm not sure if I have previously posted about this, but if I have I do apologize - however I have yet to find out any answer. Basically, I am going to Orlando Florida next year April 14th to the 2nd of May. I have been to Orlando previously many times however I have never been to the Cheerleading World's. I really, really would like to score tickets to the championships, specifically the large coed and all-girl finals. This will be my only chance to really spectate the world championships as I am coming from England and will never be able to compete at the championships myself. Because this is such a once in a life time opportunity as it is for many, I was just wondering if there is any way that I can get tickets before and not on that actual day. If not, how do you get tickets on the day? I literally have no idea how it works so any insight with be very helpful. :)
If you buy the park hopper through USASF then it includes admission to the large coed and all girl finals in the baseball stadium (as well as to all the other days and sessions). If not, the tickets for the finals have gone on sale the evening before (around 7pm) and have sold out. People tend to line up for the finals relatively early on the day of but there is plenty of seating as long as you don't wait until the last minute.
My point is that like those items, the metal keychains are high-end items that won't be bought only by the wealthy.

But that really doesn't have anything to do with my point of making the keychains affordable for the common person to buy. If you're trying to say that people will buy luxury items no matter what economic class they are in, then you're right, they will. But I don't think that relates to this sitution. Realistically, not a lot of people are going to buy the $200 keychain - not because it's a limited edition item but because it's an extreme luxury item. Buying a $200 purse or pair of shoes or jeans is not the same as buying a $200 keychain.

But I could see the keychain becoming popular if it was affordable for regular people. If they made lower end, sturdy keychain cards that mimicked the $200 one and sold them for, say $20 and it included a free drink with purchase, then I could see it happening. I could see it becoming a trend and a fashion statement. Starbucks is the equivalent of Apple in the coffee world. They have a certain status/culture in society, much like Apple. They have the following to create trends like that. I think they could be successful with a keychain everyone could afford. They'd make a disgusting amount of money off of it.