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Just have to vent... and this is going to make me sound like a grandma, but I swear I'm only 23.

I'm just wondering when it became acceptable for high school aged students to be SO disrespectful to teachers and other kids? I've been working at a local high school for years in the special ed department (my mom's the director, so I've been working summer camps and college breaks forever). However over the past year, they've had me work in more gen ed classes and these kids are awful. I really feel so old saying this, but seriously, swearing, blatantly ignoring teachers, using phones/ipods, walking in and out of class as they please are all very unnecessary behaviors. I don't know if it's this generation (a few other teachers have blamed it on this) or what, but it's so obnoxious. So, now that I'm eating ice cream and relaxing after a day from hell, all I have to say is this... Students - listen to your teachers!!! They work unbelievably hard for barely any pay. They're there to help you succeed in life, not make you miserable. I promise. Think about it the next time you're in class and don't feel like working, or choose to text instead of listen to the instructions (and then have to ask me what to do because you weren't paying attention), please. Also, I don't want to hear what you and your girlfriend plan on doing this weekend. Save that talk for lunch or the parking lot, not my classroom. Parents - your kids may be well-behaved in front of you, but please try to instill lasting values so that they're respectful outside your home. Understand that these teachers are there to help your kid become successful in whatever he/she chooses, they're not there to give your kid tons of homework and be unreasonable. They just want to be treated with respect, and it's your job to teach your kids that.

My word I sound so old and prudish. Sorry. Rant over. Back to ben & jerry's!
I'm 21 and entitlement attitudes are in my top 10 list of pet peeves.
Dear Sweet Tea, I leave you people alone for a week and all heck breaks loose..goodness gracious.

It's times like these I wish Panthers were back in small senior if only to give the Orange-beating a moment to breathe..
Dear Sweet Tea, I leave you people alone for a week and all heck breaks loose..goodness gracious.

It's times like these I wish Panthers were back in small senior if only to give the Orange-beating a moment to breathe..
this whole beaten orange concept makes me want orange juice..
I just want to get out my frustration with glees winter finale!! I mean really?!!! Your going to leave us like that?!!! ugh!! why must April be so far away.

After I found out that they were casting off the main characters after this season, I stopped watching. I've just had it with the producers of the show and I just can't bring myself to watch because I'll mad again. haha BUT I heard that the Warblers sang Glad You Came by The Wanted. i loveeeeeeeeeee them<333
how do we get on the 18+ boards lol ive been 18 since november and have been to busy to ask or do anything about it.. haha