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I feel like I can just go on a rant here so I'm gonna.​
Here's my issue. People don't give Beyonce enough credit. Like we all act like we do, but then people are like "OMG LADY GAGA QUEEN OF MUSIC!" LIKE NO. Lady Gaga's first big hit was in 2009. She's been in the game for 3 years, everyone needs to hop off Lady Gaga's well... Lady richard and jump on the Bey bandwagon. Also, Adele gets so much recognition and it's only because she had throat surgery. I'm gonna have throat surgery and I better come back with some Grammy's.​
Thank you random thread for allowing me to rant that right now..​
ETA HAHAHAHAHAH I love that my word just got changed to Richard.​
I feel like I can just go on a rant here so I'm gonna.​
Here's my issue. People don't give Beyonce enough credit. Like we all act like we do, but then people are like "OMG LADY GAGA QUEEN OF MUSIC!" LIKE NO. Lady Gaga's first big hit was in 2009. She's been in the game for 3 years, everyone needs to hop off Lady Gaga's well... Lady richard and jump on the Bey bandwagon. Also, Adele gets so much recognition and it's only because she had throat surgery. I'm gonna have throat surgery and I better come back with some Grammy's.​
Thank you random thread for allowing me to rant that right now..​
ETA HAHAHAHAHAH I love that my word just got changed to Richard.​
So glad you said that! Beyonce's been here since she was a teen and i don't see her going anywhere either. i like lady gaga but i love beyonce.
I'm mad the Rumors 2012 thread got deleted.

All because there was something posted about someone not cheering this year and it was true and I'm guessing her mom who is undercover on the boards asked for it to get deleted.

Lol ok the end.
That is my guess on the situation but it's true what was posted and not a rumor so idk why it mattered.

Ok I'm done
Can I just say that I find one thing very silly:
Every time someone asks 'What makes your team special' or 'What do you love about your team?' Everyone says the exact same thing: 'We're a family.' 'We're a family.' So if everyone's a family, how does that make you having a cheer family any way more special? I know it's a silly thing, but it's like COME UP WITH SOMETHING ORIGINAL like 'We all wear pink socks on friday' or 'We do tons of fun team bonding' or 'We have a Team Pet- it's a hermit crab named Potato Stix' just SOMETHING that isn't 'We're a family.' Congratulations, so are you and 99% of gyms that aren't killing each other over spots. It's great that you get along with your teammates. Cool, but give me more!

Can you tell it's midnight, I'm sick of playing host to friends and just want to go to bed? lol
I really don't want to go to class today. Typical Monday problems. :rolleyes:

And dad's still waiting to hear about the Houston job. He's debating taking the San Antonio job if it doesn't pan out because they don't pay state income taxes so somehow, he'd still be making about the same. This kind of excites me, but also kind of saddens me because it never snows down there. But I did live in Ft Lauderdale, FL for a while growing up and didn't miss snow, so I guess over time I wouldn't miss it. I must say, it would be great not having to drive in it or deal with the idiots who think they know how to drive in it.
I ran the Md Warrior Dash today. I'm dead tired but that was so much fun. I can't wait to do another - I'm hooked!

OMG nooooooo I retract this statement. I woke up today with pink eye from getting muddy water in my eyeballs repeatedly yesterday. Gaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh. :mad:

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