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this new core workout that i found on pintrest involves being in a bridge for 3 minutes. i was like oh, thats so easy!! .... i can't move. owwww
Does anyone have any good free apps for Macbook pro's that they use in college? I'm not having any luck finding things, anything, for college that'll help me!
I love the ITunes education app! You can download videos and lectures for each class. It really helped me with precalculus stuff!! It's called ITunes U
Okay so things actually kinda funny when I think about it now, but two of my housemates are... Just dumb.
So I got home from..... No I just went upstairs. They got home from wherever and ray was switching rooms. So, like, moving his bed and stuff and nick was helping him. Meanwhile, I fall asleep with my door open a little.

In the room ray was moving into they found an air horn.....

They decide "hey, let's Fo open Dono's door and blast the air horn and record it"

A little about me: I'm a heavy sleeper, but I'm not at all. Regardless of whether I'm awake or not or paying any kind of attention to anything I can tell when someone has entered the room I'm in or comes anywhere near me. Had my door been closed I would have woken up as soon as they touched the door knob on the other side.
*back to the story*

Now, knowing I left my door open a bit i felt like something was going to happen, like, maybe I should close it. But I was too... Idk tired I guess I didn't care.

So I'm laying in my bed asleep and idk what was going through my head by I heard a little "beep beep" and right after sat up turned around to look at the door. And they're standing in my door way looking at me like I cant see them. And in my head I'm just like... Whut??....
Then I think they realized so nick turned on the light they saw me looking at them and stopped. And nick pushed the horn and I just sat there looking at them like..." you guys are idiots" then they closed the door and ran away laughing at their failure. I laughed about it then went to bed. And we were telling people at the gym today about it. It was so funny. Ahhhh they have too much fun together. I'm doomed.
Same, girl. It only really happens when I'm stuck with nothing to do though. Like the weekend.
Exactly! When I'm out with other people, I love it. But the second I'm alone, my internal pessimist comes out.
Exactly! When I'm out with other people, I love it. But the second I'm alone, my internal pessimist comes out.
Exactly! Honestly, having a tv has helped a lot. We just got ours sunday and it definitely helps during downtime. And I'll text or facebook chat with my parents.
My mom changed all my classes today. It's my senior year, and i do online school, so im pretty much teaching myself the material, she has me taking:

Honors British and World Lit
Honors Chemistry
Honors Physics
AP Statistics
AP US Government & Politics
and Physical Education

I'm stressing out already..
I'm filling in at the gym tonight. I'm never here on Wednesdays so I don't know any of the kids or parents! I feel so lost!
Same, girl. It only really happens when I'm stuck with nothing to do though. Like the weekend.

That's why you make a group of friends and hit the town ;) But in all seriousness, try to get together with 3 or 4 other people who you know and just go walk around your town/city and explore. Learn the streets and how to get from point A to point B. Get lunch or dinner or see a movie while you're at it. It may cost some money but it'll be fun. Most people find their core group of friends for all of college in the first semester of freshman year. You guys will learn to not be homesick, you'll be dying to get back to school once summer comes back around haha
I don't know how many of y'all are Christians, but this weekend at my church we're starting a new series called Christian: Athiest. We started the Wednesday night spin-off of it tonight, and it really opened my eyes. My church has an online campus and i think some of y'all would really like this series. Here's the preview!
Faith Promise Church - Knoxville, TN - Church | Facebook
well the preview is on that page. 1st video down. It's awesome!