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(double post, oops.) So, i was joking during the Cameron Mitchell concert and i tweeted and said "Hey drummer... call me maybe?" (they were playing call me maybe.) and then i was like "No wait... call me definetly." and HE CALLED ME. Holy skdglAFG7OIWEFHJHSADFUIDFHLSHJFGLIU i cried i was so happy haha and he tweeted back at me and omg. i can't even deal.
kristenthegreat i love eddie izzard :)

but, on a completely unrelated note. I. HATE. SCHOOL. i have 240 days until I graduate. if i make it through this semester without punching someone, it will be a miracle. especially on a wednesday. I'm in class from 9:40 AM until 9 PM, with like, a hour and a half break. it is awful. the last six hours, i spend just glaring at people in my class because they say something just flat out stupid or annoying. and my concentration is gone.
Do it! You'll love it, and you'll make friends that last a lifetime!

In other news, I cannot contain my love for Michelle Obama anymore... She is simply fabulous and everything I want to be when I grow up.
Any specific details though?

ETA I'm pretty nervous about going through recruitment and not getting picked too. Do you know how often that happens?
Personal opinion, but I personally believe my daughters gym has came up with the sickest youth 2 stunt.

I may be biased--

But I even watched some of my favorite/amazing level 2 teams from last year and this stunt is even better.

Ok maybe it's because my cp is the flyer but who cares. I know we only have 14 more practices till the first competition but I'm so ready for it right now!:)

If it is better than Pro Athletics showtoppers...than hands down to them!
So, today is the first day of school and though my house looks like it was hit by a turnado from all the clothes, shoes and school supplies ALL over the place, I am so excited.....I can clean up my house and because the girls (all three of them) will be at school during the day, I actually get to come home to a clean house after work.....They don't get home until 8 because of practice.....so my house stays clean, the AC is not running all day, and all the lights are turned off!
Wow! did not know I was holding this in all summer :)

Rant over!......Love my babies, like my house clean better :)
Any specific details though?

ETA I'm pretty nervous about going through recruitment and not getting picked too. Do you know how often that happens?

PM me if you have specific questions, but I'll tell you how it was for me. I'm not sure how your rush works, but I can't think of anyone that didn't get picked at all. For us, you went and listened to a small thing on each sorority the first day (like a brief 20 minuet info session). The second day, you went to each sorority house and met with someone. They dropped people they didn't think fit, and you then got to drop the one sorority you didn't like. The first day, everyone I know got invited back to all of them and we got to choose who we dropped. The next day, you went to the remaining ones and met one on one with a girl from each place, and then you got to pick a top three (as long as they pick you too). Here is the thing-you'll know where you fit. You can't worry about who is dropping you, and I felt like I could tell. I knew the girl I talked to in KD and I didn't really click and I wasn't super into it, so I knew I was going to be dropped there. You then go to top three, and then choose two and have a long night at the two final places. The sorority I thought I wanted to be in was not in my final two (I got dropped by them after top 3) and I was really sad at the time. Looking back, it was the best thing ever. I lovedddd my sorority and the girls in it, and I really don't know if I would have fit in at that other place. When I saw them at events I always thought "wow, that is not me at all". The process really allows you to see each sorority for who they are and what they stand for, and you'll be able to make a good choice.

Go for it, and just have fun and be yourself. I think there were a lot of girls that went in thinking "I want to be in ____" and said and did what they wanted to hear to get into that sorority, only to realize it might not have been the best fit. From the outside, they all look the same but once you start listening to the things they focus on, you'll see how different they all are.
AHHH! I got a call back from Eula Talent and I have an audition Saturday! I'm literally one step closer to my dream. :) Hope I get to move to Cali... or am I thinking too far ahead? Haha
I bought a Hollister T-shirt for freakin 35 dollars and it's so bad quality. I wore it probably twice and I can't wear it again because it looks like i've been wearing it for 2 years. I will never buy anything in this store again.
they have a looot cute thing but it's such a bad quality.
Blaaahhh. I filmed something, the film got messed up, and the guy said we'd re-film later. Now he doesn't want to re-film it 'cause he's moved on to other projects. But I REALLY want the copy from that bit (the writing was ok, but it was a good character fit for me and I really want to show that). I might ask if I can use my lines and have a friend film me and get the copy that way.
Yayyyyy! I got my senior pics:) Sorry I'm gonna go ahead and share just some of my faves!

I honestly and truly hate everyone on my high school team. (Except my best friend...) they are all immature bullies who think they're better than everyone else just because they're cheerleaders. i'm over it.