Saying NCA is a "dance" style I have to respectfully disagree... I don't know if you've noticed all the skills that are associated with NCA routines or not but the "dance" section that is incorporated in NCA style routines normally last 4-5 eight counts total. Those 4-5 eight counts normally last a grand total of maybe 10-15 seconds of the entire routine... Specifically the winning routine from Louisville this year in D1A, their dance lasted only 12 seconds total of the routine. The NCA style incorporates this thing called "choreography" which uses skills with and during transitions to get from one formation to another. The most you will see as a transition from one set of skills to another is the UK jog(which is actually something Louisville used to do back in the 80's, but we chose to progress away from that) I would contest the slow transitions you see in a UCA style routine with a lot of standing still accounts for at least 12 seconds of the total routine if not more.
I'm in no way trying to belittling the UCA style b/c I agree the two styles are very distinct and also agree they should both be maintained. Also for the record I think the skills that the top 1-2 maybe 3 teams throw at UCA from the top of each division are very impressive. But to say NCA is just a "dance" style in my opinion is factually incorrect.
Lastly I also agree cheerleaders do "cheer" first and foremost but at these competitions where they do get their 1 chance to compete there are no football or basketball teams to "cheer" for. I'm not saying the tradition of sideline cheerleading should be ignored in anyway but again ultimately the way the winning team is chosen is 100% based of how they execute their "skill" b/c if they drop a stunt or pyramid we all know that team more than likely won't win, even if they do get the crowd in the HP Pavilion(aka milkhouse) yelling Blue & White or Black & Gold or T-E-Double N-E-Double S- Double E - TENNESSEE! the loudest...