All-Star New Uniforms 2011-2012

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Yup...going back to Rockstar just for that uniform :p I thought they were stars too when I saw you holding your skirt last Saturday scottish_cheerleader cheerleader since it was still folded up and I couldn't see it properly, but I like the leopard print. It's not too over the top like it could be and it gives a nice touch.
Anywayy the Goldstar ones bother me and I'm not sure why. I think it might be the hairstyle though. The uniforms don't bother me nearly as much in pictures where the girls have their hair down.
Yup...going back to Rockstar just for that uniform :p I thought they were stars too when I saw you holding your skirt last Saturday scottish_cheerleader cheerleader since it was still folded up and I couldn't see it properly, but I like the leopard print. It's not too over the top like it could be and it gives a nice touch.
Anywayy the Goldstar ones bother me and I'm not sure why. I think it might be the hairstyle though. The uniforms don't bother me nearly as much in pictures where the girls have their hair down.
haha my skirt!!! they sent a xxxl!!! you could fit me and frances in it!!!!
Matrix Allstars (new uniforms for Worlds)
The Frogs uniform is a lot better than their old one... even though I don't like that choker thing around the neck.

I have mixed feelings about the AA uni... I like the top, but the skirt just kid of looks secondhand.

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