- Oct 14, 2012
- 4,954
- 7,378
but if a kid doesnt notice, why point it out. And thats where things tend to snowball. if a child or younger level kid watches that routine and barely notices the uniform change, why as a parent would you rewind and point out and be like look what they did how inappropriate....Probably not, given the current culture, but that's our job as parents, to teach them where the line is as society keeps pushing it. They don't have the judgment to do that for themselves yet.
I'm not comfortable with my 13 year old doing what I saw in the reveal video, period. While she lives under my roof, she won't or she will face the consequences.
What they are doing is VERY different than practicing in a sports bra. It is at its nature a provocative act, looking for a response, regardless of how they want to try to package it. Given this gym's track record the intent is clear.
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none of us are even sure how they plan on opening the top during the dance/routine. Im not gonna base my decisions on a top reveal based off kids goofing off on instagram and twitter.
kids are already exposed to so much that they dont need to see due to social media, but harping on how inappropriate something is for kids or to your kid, is only going to make them seek it out. Thats just how a kids/teens mind tends to works, when you tell them not to do something.
businesses, any type for that matter arent always going to think of every little situation. Top gun thought it was an exciting thing to do, for athletes that are probably in the proper age range. I doubt they thought well what if little level 1 suzy sees this, heaven forbid we do anything that isnt 100% kid friendly.
trying to get 100% approval from everyone and anyone for doing something you like, is just no way to live, i think people would go crazy constantly trying to be a perfect little role model type figure for so long. Eventually you got to let go of things and do the things you enjoy, and i think top gun has officially hit that point. They are still a great program, great coaches, successful teams all around, etc. etc. i mean what more do you want.