Yes we tried it last night with our s4 without having seen the video first, there is one in the coaches section that I'll try to find.
We have 4 groups that can hit the normal way but might get tangled up in the catch or not quite get all the way around etc. Hitting but there were issues. But then our 5th group... it was a different problem each time, but usually led to her falling backwards either to the right base(looking at the group) would miss the foot or the Left base would pull the foot forward or the flyer would twist early or twist too much etc.
We tried a few different grips- one where the left base reaches around the the left hand to grab the heel, it was just a really awkward start but there was some improvement then I tried being the left base and grabbing the flyers left toe with my left hand and it worked but was still super awkward and it was just all my muscle but it stayed up. We had a break and I had the epiphany of this grip, we were supposed to move on to the next stunt, that group was quite frustrated, and I said just try this grip maybe it will work maybe not but lets just give it a try real quick.
This group that was no where close at all the whole practice that was really tired at the end of practice, tried it the first time and it almost hit, one of the based backed out so the flyers legs were wide and they couldn't lock out their arms but the flyer was vertical and up there, tried it again and it was even closer and on the third time it Hit! Now we just have to add probably 2 8counts to get the grip.
description of grips
Left base (looking at the Stunt)- Normal full up grip on the Flyer's right foot
Right Base- grabs the flyer's left heel with their right hand with their finger pointing in towards them. Their Left hand should probably grab the right ankle but we were on the left toe when we tried it.
Flyer has her left foot crossed in front of her right
both bases finish the their right thumbs facing away from them