I'm not talking about DCC at all, I'm solely talking about the football team, but I agree with that point.
Yes some jerseys come in styles that are more done up and others more simple, just like uniforms in all-star cheer leading. And they have purposes on their jerseys such as numbers which could also be incorporated to my "plain jerseys and helmets" hypothetical example. They could all have their team color and black number and it would work the same. Just like they have numbers, we have our gym and sometimes team name on our uniforms used as identification. Football players are singled out as players, and cheerleaders are made one, so there is no need for us to sew "Base" or "Flyer" on our uniforms. Our gym names is enough for a similar use.
I don't believe that the sole purpose of hair and makeup is to make us look "Girly" but it does play a role in it. Cheer leading is considered a sport heavily for females so it would make sense to have stereo typical female looks poured into our sports look. I also agree if every big name gym had that toned down look, then that is the way it would evolve to be. Just like how it evolved from ribbons into big bows and slicked back ponys into overly teased big hair. In the end the looks as a whole is REALLY not what I'm trying to get at, at all! I'm just trying to figure out why so many people seem to be so caught up in what the "outside world" portrays us as. Even in this segment, it was very nice for what it was. It was about extraordinary family's and the lengths they go to every day, they used All-star cheer leading as an example because All-star cheer leading can change an entire family's life. Like in GBs case where she has had to leave her whole family. They talked about how much hard work it was for the family and how much of a toll it takes on them financially and emotionally. This was not a piece on All-star cheer, this seemed to be focused on their parents effected by it. But everyone cant help but criticize what they said about the cheer itself, which was not what they where focusing on if you watch the whole episode. Why is that all we can see it as? Why are we freaking out because they showed a girl complaing, because there where kids in sports bras, that they glossed over a world win? It was about the family. Not cheer.